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Beep.....beep.... Beep.
I open my eyes slowly with a killer headache. Its all white, I look to my right and see Juliet. "You're awake" she smiles. I nod taking it I'm in a hospital.
"Where's shawn?" I ask
"He's getting coffee. He's been here all night hasn't slept a speck."
"What happened?" I ask.
"From what shawn told me you were talking and then you leaned over and kissed and a truck hit the drivers side. Which is why you got hurt more then he did."
"He's alright, right?"
"Yes he's fine. A few scratches but nothing fatal." I sit up and then see him talking to chief Vick and gus.
"How long have I been out?"
"Since 1 yesterday. You got hit and were consciousn until they got you to the hospital then you went what seemed like dead apparently" the door opens and Shawn walks in.
"Oh baby" he says and rushes over. I hug him back as tight as I can which isn't that tight. "I love you and don't you ever think its okay to scare me like that!" He says.
"I'm sorry" I tell him. He reaches his hand out and brushes his fingers against my cheek.
"I love you so much" a tear drops from his eyes and onto my wrist.
"I'm here. Its okay" the doctor walks in and smiles down at me.
"Mr. Carlton Lassiter, I'm Dr.smith. do you know what happened yesterday?" "I got in a car accident?"
"Okay so it seems like you have a mild concussion we messed up big time because you were t suppose to sleep. Luckily you're fine and we are so so sorry."
"He could've gone in a comma?" Shawn asks. "You didn't think about trying to wake him up?"
"No. There's no excuse you guys fucked up so huge."
"I'm sorry Mr. Spencer-Lassiter." Spencer Lassiter?
"If it helps we will not charge you for staying?" He sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Shawn come on" Juliet says pulling him out.
"I'm very very sorry."
"Yeah. So anything else wrong?" I ask as she pulls the I.v out.
"Just brusies and minor scratches. I'm going to release you today I need to go sign some papers and you'll be a free man. And again my apologies" she walks out and shawn walks back in.
"Calm down" I tell him as he paces.
"No you could've died! You-you- I love you" he walks over. "And if you ever kiss me again while driving..I will kill you."
"Please do." I chuckle. "Did you really stay here all night?"
"Yeah. I did and I prayed so hard to a god anybody that you'd wake up and be okay."
"I guess I believe in God now." He pushes the button on the bed so its easier for me to get up.
"Do you need help?" He asks.
"Baby its a concussion I can get changed myself" I chuckle. I go into the bathroom and change. Shawn must've went home because its a clean button up and jeans. Not what I wore yesterday. I'm still curious about that Spencer-Lassiter. I walk out fully changed. "So Mr. Spencer Lassiter" I sit down next to him.
"They wouldn't let me sign any papers or even see you unless I was related somehow so I told them we were married."
"But Spencer Lassiter? I was thinking Shawn Lassiter. So I could call you lassie."
"How about Carlton Spencer" he winks. "Ah just kidding because then I couldn't call you Lassie. I like shawn Lassiter."
"Did we just agree on our last name?" I ask biting my lip.
"We did mr. Lassiter."
"Would that make me also detective?"
"No..that would make you Mr. Lassiter."
"Ok can you sign here" Dr. Smith says handing Shawn a clip bored. He signs a Shawn Spencer Lassiter. "And can you sign?" Carlton J. Spencer Lassiter.
"Thank you. You are a free man." She smiles and we leave.
"Where's my car?" I ask.
"I took it home and brought my dads truck."
"You...you drove-?"
"I did I'm sorry but its safe and sound." He opens the door and I get in.
"I hate you so much that I'm in love with you"

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