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"Hey" I nudge shawn. "Wake up" he groans but sits up. "We fell asleep on the couch"
"Oh" he yawns and stretches.
"Wanna go to bed?" I ask him.
"Mmm no I have to go to my dads early in the morning so I should go to my own place" he stands up and smiles down at me. "Thank you for dinner..and lunch..and breakfast" he says. I stand up with him and kiss him.
"You're welcome" I tell him. He leans up and kisses me again.
"Mm ok I gotta go" his hand slides off my hip.
"Lemme know when you get home" he smiled at me and then leaves. I let a loud yawn out and grab our dishes. The thing that irritates me the most about Shawn is he's so messy. I like things neat and clean he likes things...messy and well messy. I go into the bathroom and take a quick shower. I go into my room and see he didnt made his side of the bed. I roll my eyes and pull on a lair of boxers and a shirt. I get into bed and grab my phone.
I'm home I wish I stayed there..I miss you :( -Shawn.
I miss you too, but what I don't miss is your mess Mister.
Sorry Carlton. -shawn
Good night babe
Good night Mr. Lassiter -shawn
I smile widely and plug in my phone. I grab a pillow and hold onto it as if it were a human.
I wake up the next morning to my phone going off. "Lassiter" I answer
"Hey lassie I have a case" shawn says.
"With a ms. Victoria Kelly. She asked not to let you join but this is...deep"
"V-victoria Kelly?" I ask sitting up.
"Yeah you know her?"
"Ex wife"
"Oh no I think juliet should do this case then."
"I'm a professional spencer"
"But I am not and I don't like my boyfriend working with his ex"
"She's an ex for a reason babe" I sigh a little to loudly. "Wanna meet up?"
"No I still gotta meet henry."
"You're upset" I get up and grab some cloths.
"I don't like this okay"
"Do you trust me?" I ask buttoning my suit jacket.
"I do ok. I trust you not to cheat or anything but you could still fall in love again."
"Spencer" I sigh. I don't want to tell him I love him over the phone.. I love him I do and we haven't exchanged the three words. "Can we talk about this later? Like lunch? Dinner?"
"I'm pretty busy today. I'll try to stop by but I doubt it"
"Have a good day baby" I say but he hangs up without a reply. Sometimes I wonder if I'm hurting him more then I'm loving him. I grab my keys and gun. I walk into work and see Juliet. "O'Hara!" I shout.
"Detective Lassiter" she stands up.
"What are we working on today?" I ask.
"Spencer called and said your ex wife has something"
"Awh great" I sigh "McNab!" I shout. "Where's my coffee?"
"You guys got in a fight didn't you?" She asks.
"My relationship is none of your business" I go to my desk and sit down. I hear gus talking And I tense up. When there's a gus there is a Shawn. I wheel into the hall way and he stops in front of me.
"Shawn will be in soon. Now I have to go" he sticks his head high and leaves.
"Wow you pissed his best friend off" Juliet scoffs.
"Yeah okay I took a case with my ex wife and boyfriend. Can you drop it" I stand up and start walking away from her. I look up and meet his green blue eyes. "Ah sorry just-"
"Throwing a fit" o'hara says. He grabs my hand and we keep walking away from everybody.
"Look I'm sorry but I have to take this case."
"I know. Just promise me once we solve it I can crawl into bed with you and it won't be weird or anything just normal" I walk over to him and slip my hands around his waist and pull him closer.
"I will hold your stupidly small hand the whole time"
"Were good?" He asks. He just leans up and plants a soft kiss. "I'm taking that as a yes" I smile.
"Yeah" he bites his lip and smiles. We walk out of the small office and see juliet and gus talking.
"Did you break up or make up?" Gus asks.
"Uh made up?" I furrow my eyebrows.
"Ha! Pay up guster!" O'hara shouts jumping up.
"You were betting on us?" Shawn asks.
"In my defense you're not a great couple" guster says.
"They're a great couple. The grumpy strict one and the happy life loving one cmon they balance each other out"
"Ah yeah true" shawn nods.
"I am not grumpy!" I stomp.
"Not when you're with me" Shawn says and wraps our Pinky's together.

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