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"You're a good kitty you just want a little love ha Mr.cat?" I pet the fluffy white cat that has decided to take interest in me. Meow "do you like it here?" Meeow "I hope shawn likes it here." Meow meow "I like you both here. It's nice. But you can stop running in the middle of the night"
"Its when we aren't giving him love" Shawn says leaning over the couch to kiss me. "I just got finished unpacking." He rolls onto me. "What do we now roomie?"
"Make out?" He suggests.
"Mmm I would but Mr.cat is liking me right now"
"Oh he always likes you." He puts his feet on my lap and Mr. Cat walks across onto his stomach.
"The first time I came over to your place before we even thought about even begin together he hissed at me. The second time he stretched me and the third he chewed my shoe lace."
"Shhh" he says.
"Can you put your face over here and make out with me?" I ask pulling his legs so he moves closer.
"Mr. Cat needs love" he says.
"Mr. Cat needs love later." I run my hand up his side.
"Mmm no" he chuckles.
"Well since you don't wanna make out I'm gonna run to the station and check on McNab"
"Really? Why?"
"I gave him a lot of paperwork to do."
"Lassie!" He shouts. "He'd a good guy give him a break" he sits up.
"I know I know he's a...good guy and he reminds me of...somebody"
"You, he reminds you of yourself?! Are you going soft? Mr. Lassiter thinks McNab will be a detective" he pokes at me sitting up on his heels.
"Go away" I say pushing his hand away.
"Hey dont cheat on me with Buzz" he looks up and pouts his bottom lip out.
"I will make sure that never happens" I laugh.
"Can I come with?" He asks.
"Yes we can pick up lunch on our way back." I pull him up off the couch.
"I'm gonna change real quick" he says and walks into the bedroom. I pull on my shoes and button my shirt up rest the way. "Nooo lassie" Shawn walks over and unbutton the first button and then the second.
"No. I have to check on McNab" I tell him.
"Fine" he rolls his eyes and grabs my hand leading me to my car. "I drive though" he stops is in front of it.
"No?!" I get in and watch him chuckle shake his head smile and then walk over to his side and get in.
"Lassie!" McNab says happily as shawn and I walk in.
"Only spencer gets to call me that" I say.
"Not true Gus calls you that" Shawn says.
"Spencer..shut up" I tell him. He nudges me a bit. We stopped off to grab lunch before and not after and shawn liking McNab and all he got something for him. Which then I repaid him and told him I'll pay, I am the one making him stay here and do all the paperwork.."here" I put the bag on the conference room table.
"What's in here?" He asks.
"A burger and fries." Shawn answers.
"We got you a drink but I was thirsty...sorry buzz" Shawn pats his shoulder.
"This is great thanks guys, I haven't eaten since breakfast. Which was around 6am because I wanted to spend time with my wife before spending all day here."
"McNab" I say.
"Sorry I'll get back to work" he coughs and looks back at the paper.
"No get out of here"
"What?" They say at the same time.
"I'll work on it tomorrow you have a family get out of here" he Jumps up and hugs me.
"I love you detective lassiter"
"Get off me before I shoot you"
"Ok thank you!" He shouts as he runs down the hall.
"Detective.. That was very nice." Spencer says "why?"
"He has a wife and he's working a lot...it made me think if I was in his shoes..I worked all the time and we'd have to get up early just to spend time together. I wouldn't like that"
"I wouldn't either. Mainly because I enjoy laying in bed with you all freaking morning I couldn't imagine how annoying it'd be to have to get up at that odd time just to see you"
"Actually we cuddle all afternoon. We usually don't get out of bed until 10 on our days off."
"You did the right thing." He smiles widely.

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