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"Oh sweet mother -" I sayout of breath.
"Wow" he laughs
"Okay I think twice is enough" i grab my water from the table.
"I agree. But wow twice?" He sits up with white sticky stuff on his chest. "Man nobody ever has made me come twice in under an hour."
"It was fun though" I look up at Shawn.
"So much fun." He gets up and walks into the bathroom.
"Mmm- that is something I will never tire if seeing" he turns his head to see me staring at my ass.
"Good because one day it'll be officially yours." He spits in the sink after brushing his teeth.
"Will that give me permission to squeeze it any time I want?" I ask
"You have permission to do that already." He slides back into bed and kisses me.
"I love you so much" I smile into his hazel eyes.
"I think I love you more."
"No I definitely love you more" I pull him into another kiss before getting up. "Christmas is coming up in little under a month. Watcha getting me?" I ask pulling some pajama pants on and an old SBPD shirt.
"Well I have to go to my dads" he says. I nod trying not to act hurt. My dad passed away years ago my mom disowned me and my brother and sister are spending time with their families so until Shawn would get home from his dads I'll be on my own. "Do...do you wanna join us?" He asks. "Gus and his parents are coming my dad and mom and I will be there its be perfect if you were there too." He says looking at me from the bedroom. I put my tooth brush away and turn around.
"I don't want to invade your Christmas, baby."
"Its our christmas now. 1st one together... Its going to be fun. Guster and my dad can show off guns my mom and gus mom can talk that'd leave you and me and gus"
"Ah..okay fine." He pulls me back into bed.
"Good we can go up to my room as they watch the game" he smiles and kisses me.
"I also like football." I tell him falling onto my side of the bed.
"Yeah yeah" he rolls into and lays his head on my shoulder. "Christmas with my fiancé." He says quietly.
"We can keep the marriage thing on the down low if you want" I tell him shyly.
"Are you kidding?! I'm gonna freaking shove it in everyboyds face."
"Have you told your parents yet?" I ask.
"No..they married young so hopefully theyll be happy that we're both in our 30's and not 19."
"19 year old Shawn.. Mm sounds sexy"
"That was so pervy" he snorts.
"Okay any way.. You sure you wanna tell them on Christmas?"
"Positvo I wanna get it out there."
"What i get them?" I whisper.
"My dad likes fishing, my mom likes traveling and the gusters are coming over after presents but to get on gus' good side get him something lotion"
"Lotion?" I laugh loudly.
"He likes coco butter lotion."
"I will keep this in mind" I chuckle. He's playing the hem of my shirt relaxing me even more. His one leg in between mine and his head on my chest.
"Thank you" he says softly.
"For being there for me. I knew I had gus but I've never had anyway to do this with. I always felt like I had to be the protector. I had to be big spoon I had to make dates I had to be the tough one. But I don't know..with you..you make me feel safe and I feel like we both take turns protecting each other."
"I love protecting you Shawn. And I love how you feel so relaxed with me. You're my best friend and soulmate in one person."
"You're ny best friend and soulmate also"
"Oo don't tell gus"
"That's a tie now. I mean gus is my best friend but you are too. But gus doesn't make me come twice in one round."
"I hope gus doesn't ever make you come" I feel him smirk.
"Wow baby.."he shakes his head lightly. "How am I in love with you?"

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