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"Shawn!" Jules says as I walk in.
"Hey" I walk over as Carlton goes to clock in.
"Hows Lassiter, last time I saw him you two were fighting them announced you're getting married." She says as we walk down the hall.
"He is a great kisser along with great cook and man did I mention he is awesome in bed"
"I did not need to know about that"
"Well I'm glad you two worked everything out."
"Yeah." I nod. "I'm getting married?" I laugh.
"Congratulations by the way."
"Thank you O'Hara but I need to steal him" lassie says behind us. I turn around as she keeps walking. "I made dinner plans at 6."
"Ooo where?"
"I was thinking red robins?" He smiles linking our hands together.
"That sound great. I haven't had red robins in...four months?" I squint my eyes thinking.
"So I'll pick you up at the house at 6?" He asks.
"Do I dress fancy?" I raise my eyebrow.
"Thats totally up to you." Somebody calls his name. "I'll see you tonight" he pushes his lips to mine then leaves. I catch back up to Juliet.
"Man you know what I hate" I say.
"What is that Shawn?" She asks.
"When lassie just kisses me. Like a little peck its so so annoying because then I'm lost with what he tastes like all day."
"Okay I love you both but ew" she shakes her head.
"I'm booored!" I whine sitting at her desk.
"Go bug your boyfriend"
"Fiancé" I correct Juliet. She shakes her head with a slight smirk. "Okay fine I'll leave." I stand up defensively.
"Bye shawn" she says annoyed.
"Bye Jules, bye lassie" I say walking out. I decided to drive to the psych office.
"He lives!" Gus says.
"I do!" I laugh sitting down.
"Man I haven't seen you in a week." He shuts his computer.
"Well you know with the thing that sent down at the police station the gave lassie a week off and I felt guilty for leaving him since the day off we got into a fight."
"Yeah." He nods.
"Also I need to ask you something"
"I'm not going to mexico with you" he says strictly.
"Actually I was wondering...would you be my best man?" His eyes widen. "You're getting married?!" He gasps.
"I am he fake proposed then actually proposed. I felt so guilty not telling you that minute but it was like 10pm. And then the next day was the fight I just wanted to kill everybody and then the next day you were working and I thought it'd be rude-"
"Yes I'll be your best man shawn" he says cutting me off.
"Oh man! This is great" I sit back in my chair. "Can you imagine me getting married?" I laugh.
"I thought I'd get married first." He says.
"I did too. I never thought about settling down. I never thought about my future really. But uh I don't know..settling down with lassie..." I smile to myself.
"You and Lassie... I never saw that coming. Well.. I did actually."
"Really? I need to hear this story"
"I knew you guys had a thing for each other like a week into meeting." He riases his eyebrows thinking.
"How? I didn't think I was that obvious"
"You sat in his lap shawn. And by the way that did give him a hard on."
"Oh my god that's great" I laugh.
"But I always saw him checking you out like all the time, he smiled when you complimented him-"
"Everybody does that?"
"Well I wasn't going to say anything but a year ago I accidentally glanced at him note pad which had your information on it. Like favorite color, favorite food, favorite drink stuff like that."
"Really?" I laugh. "Man I knew he was being weird"
"And you oh man I don't know how he didn't know." He chuckles to himself. "Anyway I'm glad he makes you happy shawn just...be careful."
"I will."

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