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"Hey" shawn says quietly as I lay my head on his chest.
"Hmm?" I moan turning the t.v off.
"Do you want kids?" I sit up and look at him.
"Well um yeah yeah I do why?"
"I was just curious because I want some and I was thinking of our future and I dont know you want to have a future with me right?" He asks.
"Yeah? Why do you ask something so crazy?"
"Because I love you ok Carlton and I want to be your husband and I want to have little shits running around and not here. As much as I love your place."
"Move in with me" what.
"I know its way to early for you but I love you shawn and like you said I want a future with you so why not?"
"Umm" he's gonna say no I knew it. What the hell why did I ask? "Uhh"
"I mean it Spencer" I stand up. "Think about it?"
"I think...I think I gotta go" he says grabbing his shoes.
"Spencer" I whisper.
"I have to think about it, lassiter." He says little louder.
"Ok...I love you." I tell him.
"Yeah" he leans up and kisses my cheek then leaves. No...tonight was suppose to be our night. Like a date night except inside. I had a bottle of champagne and three rented movies..
I'm gonna stay at my place tonight -shawn.
"He hates me" I whisper why didn't I just keep my mouth shut. I get up and put in the horror movie I got for him and grab the bottle. Why can't he just walk through the door right now and say yes lassie I'll move in. He made it clear he doesn't want to move in for year.
I wake up with the bottle in my hand. No...I'm hungover and I have to be at work in- 5 minutes?! I sit up and pull my shoes on. Oh I reek. I stumble to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I hear the door open and know who it is immediately. He's the only one with a key. No I don't want to show him how horrible I am. I'm strong! And smart! Not hungover on a Thursday. I walk out slowly.
"Lassiter" he says with a box.
"You're...moving out of my place?" I ask.
"No" he puts it down and I see its full of his things. "I'm moving in" he says with a half smile.
"Really?" I ask walking over to him.
"I love you okay and I don't care about my stupid rule as long as I'm with you. I thought about it and realized I love you so much. So if it's okay I'm gonna be all moved in today?"
"Yes!" I grab his face and kiss him. "I love you too" I tell him.
"Good because we're gonna be sleeping in the same bed." He smiles and kisses me again.

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