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"Toby!" I cheer and hug him.
"Ah Carly!" He says. Please...don't call me that in front of Spencer...
"Have you been to your hotel?" I ask.
"Yeah its great I took a shower and I decided to come over see if you and your boy toy wanted breakfast?"
"I already ate" I nod.
"Oh..you were with him when I texted you?" He asks.
"Uhm..ehh yeahhh" I unlock my door and walk into my apartment. I see a pair of his boxers peaking out of my bedroom.
"You guys got up at 7 to go meet up for breakfast?" He asks.
"I uh I stayed at his place last night"
"You love him" he coos.
"Okay okay you can stop tobs" I blush embrassed.
"You love himmm. But when can I meet Mr. Spencer?"
"I can call him? Have him come over?" I ask.
"Yeah! Oh man meeting my brothers boyfriend so exciting." He claps his hands.
"Just so happened he is driving by so he'll be in-"
"Hey!" Shawn says walking in.
"Ah Carlton's baby!" Toby says and hugs him. Spencer looks at me shocked and hugs him back.
"This is Shawn Spencer" I tell him pulling him off my boyfriend.
"Toby lassiter" he extends his hand and they shake.
"Okay Spencer is obviously going somewhere so let's let him go"
"Actually I was just gonna-"
"Stay stay!"toby says. I look down at shawn who is like 4 inches shorter then me.
"Uhm yeah ok wanna go get a smoothie?" He asks.
"Sure do" toby walks out in front of us.
"I'm so sorry baby he's just so...nice?"
"I hate you" I say shutting the door. I place my hand on his hip like I always do when we walk out of places. I don't know why but I do? 
"So you and my brother?" Toby says calming down.
"Mmhhm he's great" he nods.
"Well...I'm not one for the gays-"
"Toby" I raise my eyebrow.
"I promise I actually love him I'm not using him to get close to people or anything. I do love him, toby and we take care of each other we balance each other out. I plan on marrying him and growing old. I love him" He says. I look over at shawn and smile lovingly.
"I love him Toby." I speak up. He grinds his teeth.
"If I find out you hurt him shawn spencer I will hunt you down and kill you" he stands up and leaves.
"Wow he went from a loving happy person to a Russian mafia."
"I told you"
"Yeah, wow I'm so glad I fell in love with you and not him"
"You wanna marry me." I smile. "Wow somebody actually wants to marry me" my ex wife left me because I was to uptight. I focused on work more I would come home late. But I still cared about her. But Shawn likes how uptight I am, he helps me on work, when I come home late he's most likely A) with me walking in the door or B) waiting. Awake or asleep it doesn't matter.
"Hell yeah I want to marry you. I wanna have a wedding with Toby and my dad and Lou Lou and gus and Juliet. I want you, Carlton" he vrazes my cheek with his thumb. Move in with me? Marry me? What do I say???
"Lego" toby says waving us out. We get up and walk out to my car. I want to so badly ask him to move in with me but I'm scared. What if he says no. Plus he has his stupid we gotta date for a year no I want him now. I want to come home and know he'll be there. I want to have a bad day at work and think hey at least he will be there. I Carlton lassiter want Shawn Spencer to move in with me. But no I'm not telling him that.
"Let's go to Shawn's. Let's see what his place looks like" Toby says.
"Ok." We both shrug. I know its clean because I was just there. 
"Where do you live?" He asks shawn.
"Over on west minster street. Its a little apartment but it gets me by since most of my time I'm at psych, the station or with lassie." Lassie..oh jeez shawn.
"Lassie?" Toby asks.
"Yeah uhm hes been calling me that since we met its sorta our thing" I swallow nervously.
"Do you like it?" Toby asks. Do I tell him the truth? Yeah I fucking love it. Or do I lie?
"Yeah...yeah I love it actually" I nod.
"You're really love struck." He says. We walk up to his door and he grabs his keys.
"Psych, the house, lassies ah here we go" he whispers loud enough to hear him.
"You gave him a key to your  place?"
"Yeah psych is closer to my place and he works late some nights so I just told him he can come over whenever." I explain. We walk in and he looks around.
"Trashy but not too trashy" Toby says.
"Well lassie little brother... Hes weird but I can get use to him"
"Oh thank god" Shawn and I say at the same time. 

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