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"Don't stop! Believe! Hold onto the fee-ah-ah-ins!" I walk into the kitchen and see shawn dancing in my shirt and a pair of boxers while mamin pancakes.
"Hey" I laugh.
"Awh! Baby! You're awake" He slides over to me in his slippers I bought for his birthday.
"Its a little hard to sleep while you're out here singing" I spin him around somehow starting to dance with him.
"Well you obviously enjoy it since you're dancing with me" he smiles widely dipping me. "Wow you are tall" he says.
"Okay I'm hungry now, What do we got?" I ask walking over to a plate on the island.
"Pancakes and bacon"
"I didn't even know you could cook" I chuckle.
"I do a lot of things" he winks.
"Baby I'd love to" I walk over to him and sigh. "But Sam needs to be trained today"
"Yeah..I get it" he puts the spatula down and walks away. I follow him into the bedroom to see him pulling his leather jacket on which means he's going for a ride.
"Baby please, don't be upset. I promise I'll be home by 4."
"You promise until cheif vick asks you to stay then its I promise we can do it when I get home. But then you don't get home until midnight and you go straight to bed. Maybe...Carlton stop promising things you can't keep" he walks past me. Ouch..he never calls me Carlton unless he's pissed.
"I'll take the day off tomorrow." I tell him shutting the door before he could walk out.
"No. Cause work is more important and you know it."
"Shawn don't say that because its not." I shake my head.
"Its been 3 weeks!" He shouts. "I have tried for three fucking weeks to get you to stleadt touch me!"
"I'm sorry"
"No! No you're not! Because we make plans but work comes in and instead of you saying no to them you say no to me." He opens the door but turns around. "I love you but I need to be loved back" he shuts the door as he walks out. I close my eyes and sit down. He's right...I'm always working. I make plans for us but never follow through. And he's the one to come and make sure im okay. He stayed at work with me last night until 1:30am. He's the one to bring me lunch he's the one to make sure everything is okay. I pull on a pair of slacks and my white button up. I walk out the door after getting dressed and grabbing some bacon. I'm gonna march in there demand for three days off and take shawn to a hotel about 300 miles away from Santa Barbra. San Diego maybe? I hope he'll be okay. He's a scary driver when he's mad. But now he's sad and mad and I can already picture that. I'll send him a quick text when I get to the station. I pull in the parking lot and see his bike. Ah thank god. I'm glad he's not running around Santa Barbra. I walk in and see him in gus in talking to buzz. I walk past him with a small smile and straight into cheifs office.
"Lassiter?" She says allowing me to speak.
"I need three days off." I tell her. "Four actually." I change it.
"What for?" She looks up at me.
"I am going to take shawn on vacation" my knees are shaking but I know she'll give me time off since I have about a year saved up.
"Okay" she nods. "When?"
"Starting tomorrow."
"Okay I will see you Monday morning."

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