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"What are you doing, Shawn?" Gus asks. I jump awake And look around.
"Man I was suppose to stay at lassies last night" I sigh.
"You ditched lassiter?!"
"I didn't ditch him I fell a sleep" I roll my eyes.
"Well does he know that?"
"I don't know, gus. Here let's go get breakfast" I pull my shoes on and stand up.
"He's coming to look for you, you know. Hes worried. He gonna kill you when he finds you. Them he'd gonna kill me for keepinbit a secret"
"He's not gonna kill anybody I'll text him right now."
Hey I fell asleep at psych. Sorry. Love you -shawn
"See texted and done. Lassie and I aren't like that. Sure we get worried if we make plans and one doesn't show but we don't run around town filling missing person cases."I get in the front seat of the blue echo.
"I did that once. And only because she forgot to call for three days."
"She was avoiding you, gus" he glares at me and then sighs. My phone vibrates notifying me I have a text.
"What'd he say?" Gus asks.
"Its okay I figured. Come by tonight though I have a surprise happy 6 months Xo Xo" I read aloud. "Gus!" I shout eyes wide. "I forgot its our anniversary! I didn't get him anything!"
"Shawn! He's really going to kill you now"
"Okay no uhm..what does he like?"
"Guns and for some reason You."
"Do I reply to him?" I ask.
"Yes," he says calmly.
"Happy anniversary too. I love you?" I ask.
"That sounds good yeah"
Happy anniversary, baby. I love you and I got some plans myself ;) -shawn.
I made dinner plans. And um...can we see where the night takes us? I don't feel like it right now hopefully I will. I got you a present though FYI.
"Dinner plans and a present?!" I ask whine.
"Man he's gonna shoot you like 10 times." Gus laughs.
"Okay I need yo go to the mall buy a new shirt and something awesome for lassie."
"Get him a gun. He loves guns"
"Guns are expensive as hell" I tell him. "I think I'll get him a pocket watch or something"
"I really think you should do a gun" he drives me to the place my dad had my watch done.
"Gus" I breath out with an idea. "I got it!"
"To the gun store!" I shout.
"Told you"
"No no its gonna be great." I run into the store and look around. We end up at my dads. "Apparently you can't buy just 1 bullet. So I need one"
"Why Shawn? I swear if this is one of your crazy crime things I don't want to get involved." He hands me the small bullet.
"I was going to have a note craved on this and then put it on a chain for lassie" they both look impressed. Our first date was weird. We just got done doing a case and I asked lassie if he wanted to get dinner with me. I meant it just as a like I'm hungry I need a ride but when the night was done and he dropped me off at my house I leaned in and kissed him. Which scared me so bad I jumped away realizing what I had done. He got out and chased me down. He asked why I freaked out and I told him I thought he was gonna shoot me. I didn't get a response he just kissed me. Right there on the side walk leading to my apartment.
"Lassie, I love you
Spencer" I tell the guy.
"She seems very special."
"Yeah no I think I'm the special one" I chuckle. I look out the window and see his car. "One second" I get up and walk out the door. I walk over to his car and see him and Jules ducking.
"Do you think he saw us?" He asks.
"Who are we watching?" I ask. They sit up slowly.
"You're watching me aren't you" I ask.
"I'm sorry its just I hate surprises!" He whines.
"Too bad carlton. You drive away and I swear if I hear you found out what I got you before tonight I'm gonna shoot you"
"Fine" he sighs.
"Now go" they drive off and I run back inside and pay as they do it.
- 6 hours later.
He told me to meet him at Miguel's its a 5 star restraunt. "Hey" he says walking up to me outside.
"Lassie!" I wrap my arms around him. "Can I have my present now?"
"No. Not until we get inside. Oo or should I make you wait tell we're back at your place. Hmm..I think that sounds more fun" I laugh.
"I hate you" we get escorted to our table which has a great veiw over the city and barely anybody around it.
"This would be a great place to propose" my eyes go side and I look at him. "You aren't gonna...?"
"No" he chuckles. He hands me a small box and I hand him his. "Same time or?"
"Go first" I wiggle around excited. He looks up at me as he opens it.
"I'm scared" he laughs and looks down. He gasps and then grabs it.
"Do you like it?" I ask smiling. He doesn't reply he just playfully pushes me. "Did you read it?" I ask.
"Why are you so scared? love Shawn" He reads. I changed it. Its what he said to me that night.
"What I said to you that night." He smiles. "Okay open yours. He keeps it in his hands and plays around with it. I open the box to a key.
"Lassie" I say. "Are you asking me to move in?"
"No no I know you want to wait until another 6 months at least but its a key for you to come in whenever."
"We must be the best present givers in the world." I laugh grabbing it.
"Yeah" he smiles I pull my keys out.
"I'm gonna out it right here." I say pulling it on the other three keys that's already on. "Fuck you lassie" I laugh.
"Why?!" He laughs.
"I thought my present was good"
"It is. Its my second favorite thing I have"
"What's your first?"

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