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"Merry Christmas!" Shawn shouts as we walk into his dads house.
"Merry Christmas goose" his mom hugs him. She hugs me and then grabs the stack of presents I have in one hand.
"Come help me shawn" his dad says grabbing the steaks. I walk into the living room and sit next to Miss Spencer.
"So how is my son?" She asks.
"Good hes really useful at the station. He keeps me company at home." I chuckle.
"Good how're you? He told me you're mom disowned you?"
"Uh yeah yeah I guess she's okay with being a lesbian but can't support her gay son. I'm actually not gay I'm Bisexual. But its okay I got over it."
"Yeah, well I have a feeling shawn will be with you for a long long time."
"Yeah" I nod awkwardly. A few seconds later shawn skips in and sits between us.
"Mine mom mine" he says hanging his arm around me.
"He's a little too young for me, sweety" she gets up and kisses his forehead.
"I still wanna know what you got me." He crawls off my lap and over to the presents.
"If I told you I'd have to shoot you" he pulls me down next to him and starts shaking presents. "Babe stop" I laugh grabbing them and putting them back.
- 4 hours later
"The gusters will be here in a few minutes so let's get these open" henry says.
"Me first!" Shawn jumps up away from my grasp.
"Nope you are last now" madoline says. She hands me a present from Henry.
"If its bad feel free to throw it at him" shawn jokes. I unwrap the red paper and to a box. I open the box and it's amo for my pistol.
"Thank you I've been meaning to get down there and buy some more" I smile. She hands henry one from shawn and he unwraps it to find new barbeque stuff. She ubwraps one herself from me it was a tea kettle with very expensive tea. She hands shawn one from herself. Its a new leather jacket. Finally we get to my present from him. Unwrapping it I look up to see Shawn smiling like an idiot. "This won't explode right?" I joke.
"Open it!" He jumps up into the couch. I can tell his ADHD is really bad today. I kinda like him like this all hyper and can't focus but then I hate it when he's like this. I pull out a new holster. "I noticed you're was getting little tears in it and it was months away from fall in apart."
"Thank you" I smile widely and push my lips to his. "I think we've tortured you enough" I grab the box and hand it to him. The living room is a mess from us throwing the paper at each other.
"Wait before I do this I want to announce something" he says. "Uh.. I'm getting married"
"What?!" They both say. I'm guessing happily because the cover there mouths.
"He proposed I said yes"
"My baby boy is growing up!" His mom says hugging him. I chuckle as she pulls me into a hug also.
"Next Christmas we could have a little shit running around here." Henry says.
"Noo we both decided 1 year before kids. So maybe the Christmas after that."
"Okay open my present!" I say as I hear them walking up the stairs. He unwraps it and there is a picture in a frame. It was about five months into dating. A few weeks after we told Jules she snapped a picture of us at the station. Him in my lap with both our heads pushed back laughing. He pushes his lips to mine as they walk in.
"I love you" he whispers. Shawn jumps up and engulfs gus in a hug.

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