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"Detective glad your back" cheif says as I sit at my desk.
"Nice to be back" that was a complete lie. I loved staying at home with Shawn.
"No you're not" Juliet says.
"Why do you say that?" I ask.
"Because you seem sadder then usual and you failed to cover that hickey" she points at the hickey on my neck. I slap my hand over it. "How was it? How was spending the weekend with Shawn?" She asks. "Was it romantic?"
"The weekend get away with him was weird? We've been trying to- no no I'm not telling you this."
"You guys haven't had sex?"
"Yes! Yes we have!" I jump up. "Just..not recently"
"Do you need help? I could give you tips?"
"Ok no go away" I push her away.
"Let me at least hear about the weekend" she whines.
"Fine we went on a lot of dates did romantic things and went to fancy places." I tell her.
"Awe" she coos.
"Uhm..can-" I look around. "Can I talk to you? Privately?" We go into a conference room. "I want to propose."
"Really?!" She jumps up.
"Yes and no. I don't know its been 8 months..is it to early?" I ask.
"Okay" I sigh.
"But when you do....go old fashion check with Henry Spencer first."
"Ok" I wring my hands nervously.
"How are you planing on doing it?" She asks sitting down.
"Everybody on the ground!" My eyes widen and I peak through the blinds. A man with a ak 47 is in police station
Somehow all of the police men have decided to listen.
"O'Hara...don't make a sound" I whisper.
"I want all your weapons and tossed over here."
"Okay the plan is..." I pace back in fourth.
"Call the FBI" Juliet says. I nod and she does that. I grab my own phone and send Shawn a text. Don't come to the station. DO NOT. We have a problem down here. I love you...
"OK they're coming down it's gonna be about 20 minutes."
"20 minutes? They could kill us"
"Check all the rooms"
"What'd we do?!" She asks
"Hide." We crawl under the table and pull the chairs in. The doors open and then they leave.
Are you ok? -shawn.
I will be. don't worry. The main phone in the station starts ringing. Please don't be Shawn. Please don't he shawn.
"Hello?" He answers. "Pete...whatd you want?" He yells. "Detective Lassiter put my wife in jail...I want him and nothing else." Me..he came to kill me. I grab my phone quickly and call shawn.
"Baby I love you. Okay I love you so so much and I swear to god if I make it out. No I will make it out I'm gonna marry you so so hard." I whisper.
"Lassie what's going on?"
"This crazy guy came tivthe station.. We're getting held down in here."
"What does he want?"
"Me...he wants me.." I sigh.
"Carlton no! Don't you dare." He shouts. "You listen to me you mother fucker you're gonna come home tonight and we're gonna make dinner together and then I'm gonna cover you in kisses. Maybe the other way around. But Im not ready to say goodbye. I won't" I can tell he's crying and frankly.. I'm about ready too.
"I know. I know. I promise I'll come home."
"Hey! Who's talking"
"I've gotta go" I barely even get the words out. "I love you"
"I love you too." I hang up
"Detective come out!" He shouts. "I know you're somewhere in the station"
"I'll come out if you promise to get everybody out."
"I'll take four."
"Okay okay I pick though"
"In gonna kill you in front of them or not.. So go ahead." I hear his smirk.
"I want detective O'Hara, McNab, cheif Vick and dopsen out."
"No. The cheif stays. She's gonna watch me blow your brains out."
"Fine then woody."
"Okay come on out"
"No they get out first." I push O'Hara out. A few minutes go by and then he tells me they're out. "I want to make a call."
"To who?"
"To my boyfriend. You can listen."
"Come out first."
"If you promise I can call him" I shout back.
"Ok" I walk out slowly. "What're you gonna tell him?" He asks.
"I'm going to propose."
"You won't make it out if here to even get married."
"I know." I dial him up. Pete walks over and pushes speaker.
"Are you okay?" Shawn asks.
"Baby I'm okay but I need you to do something"
"No! You said you're going to propose!"
"I am he needs the ring" I tell him.
"You're...you're gonna?"
"Yes I need you to go to the closet and look in my dark blue blazer."
"You're on speaker baby" I tell him.
"You've been the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you so so much. Do you get that?"
"Yes. Yes I got it."
"I want you to tell everybody when in gone that you are going to marry me."
"Like cheif Vick?"
"No like FBI agent Yale."
"Tick tock Lassiter."
"I love you so much and Shawn Spencer... Will you marry me?"
"Yes. Yes" he laughs.

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