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"So" shawn says as we lay in bed.
"You're not gonna tell me why you told your mom we are engaged?" He asks. We just had sex which now I'm getting was anger sex because he won't cuddle or even touch me.
"She asked if I was still being miserable before I told her about you and it just sorta slipped."
"Mm- what'd you say?" He turns onto his other side so he's at least looking at me now.
"I told her- I was in love with this beautiful man I adored and treasured and she said I'd screw it up somehow so...I told her we are actually getting married."
"Isn't she gonna find it funny when she's not invited to a wedding?" He asks softening up.
"I didn't think about that" I sigh.
"Mmm- see. Either we're gonna have to get married or tell her."
"What size ring do you wear?" I ask smirking a little.
"Baby. Tell her. If she's mad I know..I know it'll hurt but you are so so amazing and you can come home and I'll be waiting with pizza and your favorite musical."
"Ok.. Do I have to?"
"It'll be more magical when you actualy pop the question." He sits up.
"Its mid night, can I tell her in the morning?" I ask as he gets out of bed.
"? No lassie, I expect you to go half way a crossed town just to tell her we aren't actually engaged. Of course wait until tomorrow."
"Where you going?" I ask watching his grab the sheet and wrap it around his lower half.
"I'm going to get some water, do you want any?"
"You know that question." He rolls his eyes and walks out. I grab my boxers from the ground and pull them on. Shawn walks back in and hands me a glass then grabs a pair of my running shorts and pulls them on. He lays down and I wrap my arms around him. "I love you" I whisper.
"I love you too."
I'm still awake..shawn on the other hand is asleep. He rolled out of my arms around 1 and all I wanna do is wrap him back into them. He's so adorable sleeping. His lips parted slightly with little breaths coming out. His arms pulled closely to himself. His legs are tangled with mine still but its not enough for me..he opens his slowly and jumps a little. "Lassie?" He moans. "You're awake?" He moves around. "What time is it?"
"2:15am I can't sleep..I don't know why?"
"Talk to me" he groans.
"No no you're tired. You need sleep." He rolls into my arms.
"I was hoping you'd say that. If you're still awake in an hour wake me up we can go watch t.v" I nod and hold him close.
Shawn did say wake him up..but..he's been sleeping so well he hasn't moved away from me and the only words hes said is that's funny and get it. Whatever he's dreaming of it must be awesome.
I managed to fall asleep for about a half an hour but here I am..awake. Fuck me. I can't sleep any longer. I don't know why I'm stressing over telling my mom the truth. Maybe because I know she'll be disappointed or even worse..she'll be glad.
I swear to god Carlton shut your eyes and go to bed. "Mmm-" shawn moans and rolls out of my grasp.
"Morning" he smiles.
"Yeah" I sit up.
"You haven't slept yet have you?"
"Nope" he grabs me before I get all the way up.
"Lay down" I can tell he's still tired as hell but I listen. Laying down. He sits up and crosses his legs.
"I don't think in gonn-"
"Shh" he runs his fingertips up my side. "Shut your eyes" he orders. I do as told and let them flutter close. "Mm good now breathe in-" I take a deep breath. "Exhale" his finger tips are still wandering my body. "Go to your happy place" I crack a small smile.
"You remind me of a hippie" I chuckle.
"But its working" he says. "Now imagine my happy place"
"What's your happy place?" I ask with my eyes still closed.
"Laying in a California queen with white cold blankets a fire burning in the fire place as it pours down rain. I reach over and grab your face and pull you into a kiss..." He continues talking but sure enough I fall asleep.

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