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"Carlton!" Cheif vick shouts. Oh..oh no this is bad. She never uses my actual name. I walk into her office to see shawn sitting in the corner. He gives an evil smile.
"Yes cheif?"
"Shawn told me you two moved in together."
"Well this is calls for a party"
"Party?" I ask
"Yes a party."
"Cmon lassie it'd be fun!" Shawn jumps up.
"Ok I'll think about it" I sigh.
"Lassie! Cmon pleaaase?"
"Fine yes. We can throw a party..for ourselves.."
"Yeah! We're gonna get presents. And left over food."
"Its not for the presents Spencer. Its celebrating the two of you getting closer" O'Hara says walking in.
"But we do get presents...right?"
"Yes we would get presents, baby" I tell him.
"Awh! He calls him baby" cheif and O'Hara both coo.
"He calls me a lot of other things" shawn winks.
"Okay that's enough let's go" I say and grab him.
"Cmon lassie baby. Itd be so much fun having a party with our friends"
"Shawn...I can't" I whisper.
"Why?" He asks. "Everything I want to do you always say no." He says a little loud. "What's it this time? You don't feel good? You have no friends at the station-"
"My mom is coming"
"What" he says tensing up.
"She texted me last night...her flight is getting in at 4. She wants to meet you and talk about something?" I tell him
"About what?"
"I don't know but it sounds serious. And I swear we can have a party soon. Like when she's gone. But-"
"Carlton!" We both turn and see a short lady with light pink curls.
"That's my mom" I whisper.
"Mrs. Lassiter" Juliet says and hugs her.
"She doesn't like shrugging or mouth breathing or-"
"Is this shawn Spencer?" She smiles.
"Yes it is." I say.
"Introudoce me!" She cheers.
"This is shawn Spencer my fiancé" I told her I got engaged to him..he looks at me then nods.
"Happily engaged for-" he nudges my arm.
"2 months" I nod.
"Lemme see the ring!"
"Actually we decided to wait on the rings. I mean being a gay couple and wearing a ring makes it seem like we're married already." Shawn says.
"Oh yeah, good thinking, Carlton." She taps my shoulder. "So tell me about yourself, Shawn."
"I work with the police department and lassie and I have been going out for about 7 months now."
"Do you want any kids?" She asks pulling him away.
"I do, two. A girl and a boy. I think lassie would be a great a father." He gestures for ms to follow. I catch up and he grabs my hand.
"And you're both fully committed to your relationship?" She asks. "Even Carl?"
"Yes he was the one that asked me to move in. I was the one well...I am the one that is planning most the wedding" my mom has always sorta been disappointed in me.
"What do you have planned so far?"
"Well, its going to be in a garden with lights all around at dawn. Blue and black are the colors. We're gonna have one grooms men beside our best man. Lassiter has buzz and Jules I have gus and cheif Vick." He's already planned some of our wedding.. Awh
"Girls..? For..grooms men?"
"Yeah, guess is my best man and Juliet is his."
"It's going to be spectacular Susan."
"Detective!" Somebody shouts behind us.
"I gotta go" I lean down and kiss shawn. "I love you, thank you" I walk off to do my job holing my mom doesn't make Shawn kill him self.

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