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"Are you sure?" lassie asks looking in the mirror.
"I tried to get rid of this but he insisted"
"But do i have to wear this?" He asks feeling the red flannel.
"You look hot and my dad likes flannel"
"He's gonna know its yours."
"I don't care. You look cute in it" I pull him over to me.
"Don't call me cute"
"You're a cutie and you should know it"
"We should go"
"Baby we have an 20. Calm down"
"I'm nervous I don't meet boyfriends parents. I like to keep my boyfriend in my bed and his parents...well...not" I look up at him and shake my head.
"Wow you're crazy" I chuckle. "This shirt? Or this shirt?" I hold up a tan one and a green one.
"Tan. We walk in there with red and green and wed look like Christmas"
"Hey about that what are you getting me for Christmas?" I button it up over my white shirt.
"It is a secret, love" he boops my nkse and walks out.
"Hey hey hey what're you doing?" I ask.
"Um...eating a banana?"
"He can sense it" I grab it from him and put it in the trash.
"Um...you're crazy. I've met him before he doesn't care if I have a banana"
"He's making steaks baby. He cares"
"Why am I even dating you?" He rolls his eyes
"Because you're inlooooove" I poke at his stomach.
"Okay Spencer let's go" he laughs turning me around.
"A detective is in love with me" I sing.
"Stop" he keeps laughing. I look back st him and smile.
"I love when you laugh." I grab his hand and walk out the door. We drive down to my dads and stop. "Okay now don't talk about our sex life" I point at him.
"Copy that....why would I want to do that anyway?"
"I don't know?" We get out and walk up the sidewalk.
"You look good by the way" he squeezes my hand.
"You look even better" I open the door and see my dad dancing while salting the steaks. "What...what are you doing?" I ask.
"Shawn! Carlton!" He shouts happily. "How are you?"
"Well. The last time you saw us was yesterday and what's been on since then and now is well we sat around watched t.v all morning got dressed and left."
"How are you?" Lassie asks.
"Good. Good." We follow him to the grill. "Great actually"
"Why?" I ask.
"Its been almost 5 months since you've been together. My son might actually get married and have kids they won't be biological but I'll be a grandad!"
"Whoa dad" I chuckle. "Yeah we love each other and stuff but we have to move in first and whos house would we move into? His or mine? You know-"
"Id think mine"
"That'd be the smart thing but still dad whoa stop talking about our future."
"Uh..why?" Lassie asks. "Do you not see us together in the future or something?"
"Don't answer that Shawn" dad says.
"Yes of course I do but one step at a time"
"Ok why are you acting so scared?"
"He's scared of commitment"
"Dad!" I shout and jump. I do that when I'm frustrated.. I don't know why. "I am but not with you well sorta but I'm willing to take a chance." I say. "Go inside please dad let's talk in peace" he scowls but walks back inside.
"Hey I'm scared too. I was the one with the divorce. Yeah it sucks you're so freaked out but we can take it easy"
"Ooo no taking it easy is like dates and coffee giving at random times. What we have is in between stage 2 and easy."
"What's stage 2?" He laughs.
"A drawer. Which I like a tooth brush to me but the amount of stuff at your place that is mine is unbelievable"
"Yeah plus the drawer" he points and nods.
"Ok we're good?" I ask.
"Yes. I was never that mad. I feel the same"
"I love you lassie" I smile widely.
"Ooo a fake pysic loves me" he teases.

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