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"Morning cheif" I nod walking into the station.
"Detective" she nods back. Shawn slept over last night and I love it when he does but then I also hate it. It puts me in such a good mood. Which Is bad and good. Usually I'm "grumpy" so its hard to explain to everybody why I'm in such a good mood. Its especially hard when were both in great moods because we have the same excuse. The "oh yeah they slept over last night" thing. How do you tell your boss and your work partner you're dating the head physic?
"She slept over again last night didn't she" juilet grins.
"Yes" I tell her trying not to act to happy. Something is just so great about waking up to somebody next to you or in his case on you.
"Hello! And good morning Santa Barbara police department!" Shawn cheers walking in. "Oh lassie you seem happy did your boo sleep over?" He grins.
"She did the one thing so annoying about her though is she eats my food"
"You invite her over so she probably thinks its okay to grab a muffin"
"And a banana and some cereal and make a smoothie"
"Breakfast is the most important meal" he says and turns around. "Jules" he nods and kisses her hand. That makes me jealous...who wouldn't be he was practically in love with her before me.
"Aye 195!" Cheif shouts to me.I jump up with jules and we both run down the hall at the same time.
"Hey wait what does that mean and can I come?" Shawn asks.
"No" I state.
"Lassie why not?!" He whines
"Because Spencer I don't want you to get hurt." I stop as I open my car door. "Stay here" I point firmly at him and gus.
"You don't want him to get hurt?" Juliet asks.
"Yeah" I nod.
"Since when?" She giggles.
"Since... He's one of our partners. No way is he coming with" I shake my head.
"Okay what is going on with you? No girl could ever make you like him"
"Its nothing"
"Unless there is no girl" I swallow nervously.
"Why would you say that?" I ask.
"Its okay if you like him. We've all been there before" she says. "If he wasn't dating somebody I'd say tell him."
"I don't have time to talk about this" I speed up. After our big bust we go back to the station of course he's sitting on the steps looking sad.
"What's wrong?" Juliet asks before I could get there.
"Nothing just waiting for you all to get back" he says.
"Spencer look that wasn't a regular case ok that was intense I don't even like doing ones like that and you going in without a vest or gun you could get seriously hurt"
"I understand" he frowns. I give a half smile and walk up the stairs. Sometimes I wish everybody knee so I could kiss him or hold him. Something to show him I care about him.
"Hey" I turn around and see him. "We're gonna go get ice cream wanna come?" Gus asks.
"Yeah" I follow him out the door and see him and juliet still talking. I trust him not to cheat or anything but still I can't do anything about it except watch.
"Ready?" I ask.
"Yeah" Juliet stands up And looks at me.
"What's wrong with him?" I ask.
"He wants to show off his girlfriend-" that is also weird hearing.."but he's not sure how others will feel about it or how she'll feel"
"Lassiter" a voice says I then around and see shawns dad.
"Hey Mr. Spencer"
"Please call me Henry I men for peetsakes you're probably gonna be apart of the family soon anyway" ng eyes go wide.
"Why?" Juliet asks.
"Oh! Uh no reason" henry says. Shawn comes over a few minutes later and smiles.
"I'm sensing tension" he says.
"Lassiter is becoming apart of your family" juliet says. "Like brothers or something?"
"Oh I hope not" shawn mutters.
"Wait" she suddenly stops. "No way"
"Juliet keep it down" I warn.
"You two?" She smiles.
"Jules" Shawn says.
"Wow" she laughs. "Lassiter loves shawn"
"I do not love him" I take a protective stance. "I like him"
"Man but you like him" she claps her hands together. "Ah aren't you two the cutest" she pinches our cheeks.
"Great job dad" Shawn hits his dad with the back of his hand.
"Don't tell cheif" I say.
"OK ok why didn't you tell me?" She asks.
"Oh I don't know?!" Shawn jumps frustrated.
"Shawn calm down" henry says.
"Who else knows?" Juliet asks.
"Gus and Henry" I tell her.
"So its like a big secret?!"
"Yes okay let's get out of here before cheif comes out and asks what's up" I say. "Oh and shawn sits upfront."

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