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I kiss on his collar bone and nip his skin.
"Ow-" he chuckles.
"Sorry" I sit up straddling him.
"Man when did sex become so hard" he sighs. "No pun intended"
"Maybe we should just spend this time getting closer?"
"Yeah. Man I was excited to spend all four days in bed."
"I know" I get up and grab some water. We've tried three times today and its not working very well. "Do you wanna go somewhere?" I ask.
"I wanna cuddle with you" he says. I sit down and he lays his head on my stomach. "Baby" he asks. "What if...what if this it for us?"
"What'd you mean?"
"We're getting into more fights we haven't had sex in three weeks... What if-"
"No. We aren't going to break up or anything. We'll get through this...okay?"
"Ok" he snuggles closer.
"We'll be okay." I brush my fingers through his hair. Now that he mentions it yeah I'm a little afraid we might not make it.. No of course we will..we're shawn and Carlton. The oddly perfect couple.
"You smell good" he breathes me in.
"You don't smell too bad yourself" he sits up and crawls over me and then gets up.
"I will not let you slip out of my hands. Mr. Calrton J. Lassie we're going on a date." He grabs the one blazer I packed for him and puts it on. "Get up" he grabs my hand and pulls me up.
"Okay okay" I laugh standing up. I grab my dark blue blazer I wore here and pull on some jeans.
"See you look handsome and you don't even have slacks or a tie or a button up on and you're still handsome as hell."
"Yeah..." I look down at my Styx shirt and shake my head. I change into a button up. "Ready?" I ask.
"Hella" he grabs my hand and smiles up at me.
"Where do you wanna go?" Its currently 5pm.
"How about a walk on the beach?" He suggests.
"Can I buy you ice cream?"
"Absolutely" he laughs. We walk down the beach. "So..you actually took time off just for me?" He asks.
"Yeah." I nod. "You seemed so upset yesterday I couldn't handle myself knowing you were that upset. I was worried the whole time to the station that you were out there riding around upset."
"Well I went to the station to get a case and also to make sure you'd show up ok. You are a very very scary driver when you're mad." He chuckles trying to keep it light.
"I wasn't mad, baby. I was well worried."
"Can we just forget about the fight yesterday? Please. It was scary and in so sorry." He stops in the sand and looks at me. I pull him closer and kiss his forehead.
"Nothing will ever be more important then you." We start walking again but closer this time. "And when we do finally do the deed I swear to god I'm gonna fuck you so hard we'll both have to stay in bed for a week."
"I will be looking forward to it." He pushes me slightly.
"Ok when we have kids what do you want first?" I ask.
"I think a girl, what about you?"
"I think a girl sounds awesome."
"How are you gonna propose to me?" He asks.
"Who says I'm proposing? I think you should" I joke. I've already thought about it. I was gonna take him to the restraunt we went to the night we kissed. I'm gonna do the whole put the ring in the champagne and then kneel down as he finds it. Hopefully he doesn't swallow it....knowing Shawn he will maybe I shouldn't put the ring there. But I definitely wanna do that maybe do the ring in the box. I haven't thought the whole thing out. But I promise one day I will marry shawn spencer.

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