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Its my last day off and I haven't done anything other then lay on the couch watch movies and hold Spencer. He makes really great food, by the way.
"Good morning" I smile as he wakes up.
"How long have you been up?" He stretches and moves onto his side.
"About twenty minutes"
"And you've been watching me sleep?" He chuckles. "That's creepy babe"
"You're a cute sleeper." I say and kiss his forehead.
"You have really nice eyes." He says stroking my hair with his hand.
"You have really nice hair" I tell him.
"Its your last day off work.. What're we gonna do?" He asks.
"Well for starters we should shower together" I smile raising my eyebrow.
"Good idea" he jumps up. "First one in is closest to the water!" He shouts.
"Hey! Unfair" I get out of bed and race into the shower. He's already in the shower smiling at me. "Luckily you're so short it doesn't matter" I get in behind him the water still hitting me perfectly.
"That's rude" he laughs. He leans up and kisses me. "Its okay though because you're such a good kisser." He mutters. I trail Down to his jawline and then neck. "Mmm this is great" he moans running his hands through my hair. I pull away and see a small mark already. "No no you keep doing that" a small smile plays across his lips.
"We actually have to shower though." Of course I want to keep doing that it'd end in shower sex but what's better then having sex is watching him get sexually frustrated. He frowns at me and starts showering.
"Shorts? Shawn Spencer in shorts wow" I raise an eyebrow. "I didn't even know you owned a pair" he's wearing a black pair of basket ball shorts and a flannel that gives him sweater paws.
"They're very comfy. Warmer then boxers but comfier then jeans." He says and jumps on the counter.
"Remember when we first started dating and you said you don't wear shorts?"
"That was 9 months ago. We could've had a baby"
"You not wearing jeans just means I can run my hand up your thigh" I walk over do just that.
"Really?" He asks smiling.
"Mm hm." The mark on his neck bigger then it was a few hours ago.
"And if I wasn't wearing any pants?"
"I could do a lot more things. But unfortunately I have dishes to wash" I turn away purposely teasing him.
"Ahh I see what you're doing." He swings his legs.
"And what is that spencer?"
"You're teasing me. You want to get me all worked up so when you finally break I'd love every second of it."
"Do you usually not?" He asks turning around.
"Oh I do but I'd love it more." Shawn smirks. "Moaning even more and making-"
"Those girly noises" I chuckle.
"Yup, you like it." Man he's good. So good. He makes so many different and good noises. With his eyes squeezing closed and his body rocking. Fuck. "I'm not going to judge you because I have fantasies of you on bottom." I grabs my hand and pulls me closer.
"Bottom?" I ask.
"It's really fun. And oh man it feels so...much...better.." He pulls me in by the collar.
"I think you and I need to go to the bedroom." I whisper against a kiss.
"I think that's a good idea." I him up and we go into the bedroom. I toss him on the bed and start kissing his collar bone. "You or me who's bottom?" He asks ripping my shirt off. Maybe it's time for a change..
"Me" I flip us around so I'm now on bottom.
"Oh man you're the best" he says already grinding on me.
"Just...baby..this is my first time with you know an actual..."
"Person?" He asks probably leaving hickeys on my chest.
"Yes I've...well..."
"You finger yourself?" He asks sitting up.
"No.." I blush.
"A virbrator?! Oh my go you filthy little slut." He laughs.
"You're ruining the mood love."
"Really? Cause I think calling you a filfty slut is hot"
"Wow you're dirtier then I thought" I pull him back down on me.

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