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I put some paper work into the filing cabinets which is McNabs job but he is out on some case with O'Hara. I wanted to to but I was drowing in paperwork because Shawn came around last night and well...distracted me. I walk out and see shaen walking down the hall with the same cloths he wore yesterday I remember because I tore those clothes off and when I woke up they were lying on my ground. "Sup lassie" he smiles leaning against the post next to my desk.
"I have a paper work shawn I can't go anywhere, McNab is out so I have yo file it all myself" I sit down.
"I know do you need help? I could file things for you." He asks sitting down.
"No I just filed but you could go get me some coffee?"
"Yes sir" he stands up and leaves. I feel bad for being snappy at shawn but every time I sit down to do this he come around and cheif told me I need to get it done soon or shawn and I will be in trouble. I prefer not to get on her bad side. He hands me a large cup and sits back down.
"Boys" cheif says. We both look up and see her standing over my desk.
"He's not being annoying or anything he's actually helping." I say.
"What is he doing?" She asks looking at him.
"Getting coffee, filing things, Taking calls." He says in confidence.
"Good. If I see you two getting off topic you're out spencer" she walks away. I smile at him And run my attention back to my work.
"Here this goes under D." I hand him a folder and he gets up again.
"Need anything while I'm up?" He asks.
"No, thank you" he kisses my cheek and leaves. I chuckle but keep writing. He's adorable. The other night I was sleeping and he came in. I almost shot him because I didn't know he was coming over. He was just annoyed because his cat wouldn't stop running. So he just crawled into bed and fell asleep as I wrapped my arms around him. I don't find the whole moving in thing bad or a big deal because he practically lives with me anyway so its just when we both decided to do it he's just gonna move his things in and that's all. Not much will change. Granted wed both have to get rid of things but its okay. He comes back with a banana.
"I was gonna get you a orange but those are sticky."
"Thank you Spencer" I smile shyly.
"I was thinking we could stay at my place tonight?" He asks I freeze. Shawn is so messy. What am I suppose to say no? I have to yes because I mean its important if he asks.
"Its clean, lass." He sighs.
"Then yes, I'm sorry I just hate messes"
"So you must hate me?" He smirks.
"No I love certain messes"
"Detective!" Cheif shouts glaring at us. I turn back to my paper work wishing I could leave even if that means I go to spencers tonight.

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