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"Lassiter...what?" He sighs as I cover his eyes. I already packed his bag for him.
"Ready?" I ask.
"Yes" I uncover them. Our bags are sitting at the front door I wanted to surprise him better but I had no idea how.. "You're kicking me out?" He asks.
"No! Were going on a vacation" he turns around wide eyed.
"Yes. I didn't even have to think twice about what you said today I got off way earlier then I thought I would and now we have until Sunday. I thought San Diego? I got a hotel with a perfect view of the beach." He wraps his arms around me.
"When are we going?" He asks.
"Right now. I Bought some CD's and snacks and now we have 3 hours until we can do what ever we want."
"I love you"
"I love you too so much and I thought about what you said...I was bound to loose you if I kept doing what I was doing. Never taking time off blowing out plans. I love you and I promise from now on you tell me when you need me and I'll be there."
"You could never get rid of me." We walk out after kissing for about 3 minutes, and throw our bags into the trunk. He turns on the radio and grabs my hand.
"I asked gus to watch Mr. Cat while we're gone so I hope that's okay." I tell him.
"Its fine" we drive off throwing our problems into a grave.
- 4 hours later
Its 9:15, I'm exhausted, Shawn is asleep in the passenger seat. "Baby" I nudge him.
"Mm-" he groans.
"Hey we're here" he opens his eyes slowly.
"Wow" he stretches.
"Let's go inside we can order room service, watch some t.v cuddle up on the couch"
"This is why you're great" he smiles sleepy. We get out and grab our bags.
"Lassiter" I tell the girl at the front desk.
"Carlton?" She checks.
"Okay here is the key to your honey moon sweet top floor." She says
"Honey moon sweet?" Shawn smiles widely.
"For my honey?"
"That's so freaking cheesy" he chuckles. We walk into the hotel and he immediately runs to the bed. "Holy shit lassie" he says "the only thing we'll be doing on here is sleeping. Its so comfy" I lay down next to him.
"Maybe I should've gotten a hooker hotel then."
"We have other places like the bed, the shower, the counter"
"The wall"
"Hell yes." He high fives me.
"Okay what'd you want to eat?" I ask grabbing the menu. He rolls onto his side and lays his head on my shoulder.
"I think something small sounds good. Like maybe a sandwhich"
"Two turkey sandwhiches?" I ask.
"Yeah" I grab the phone and call it in
"What should we do in the meantime?" I ask.
"I hate to be a Carlton but I'm gonna go take a shower."
"That's rude." I laugh as he gets up. He smirks and leaves. I grab our suit cases and start unpacking when our food arrives. "Thank you" I smile shutting the door taking the plates. I turn around and see he has his lower half wrapped in a very small towel.
"Wow" I blush.
"Yeah?" He spins around. Giving me a full view. "Too bad I'm punishing you" he winks and pulls on a pair of boxers.
"What? Whyre you punishing me?" I ask as we both sit down to eat.
"Ya know..I honestly have no idea I mean you took time off, you brought me to this amazing place...I love you."
"I love you too." I smile.

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