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Shawn walks into the connected kitchen and living room sleepily.
"I made eggs and toast if you want some" I mutter watching the news with a hot cup of coffee. A few minutes later shawn is plopped next to him with a plate of eggs and his own cup of coffee. "You seem tired" I chuckle. Shawn nods still not saying anything. He has one of my old shirts on. It has SBPD baseball on the front and a 13 on the back. His dark blue boxers matching the lettering and sleeves. He takes a sip if coffee and leans his head on my shoulder.
"I did not sleep good" he mutters.
"I see. Do you need anything?" I ask.
"A cold shower and twenty cups of coffee" I giggle and wrap his hand in mine after he's eaten.
"So the other day you said to get on gus' good side I should buy him a present...Does Gus not like me?"
"He likes you as a friend or the first or second date kind of type but now that we're getting serious he wants me to make sure you're right for me. I think he's just scared that I'm gonna spend to much time with you and then forget him. I couldn't forget him he's my best friend!"
"So I should get him something that says 'I'm marrying Shawn which means I'm also marrying you and I'm okay with that'?"
"Yeah, everybody has baggage and mine just seems to be a 32 year old man and daddy issues." He takes a sip of his coffee and then makes a face. He's not a big fan of coffee. "Well my daddy issues are leaving so really my baggage is a 32 year old black man."
"And the fact you faked being a psychic."
"Hey but I told you that like a month into dating." He sits up and moves his head onto the arm chair and puts his feet in my lap. "And you knew I was faking all along."
"So what're you getting my dad my mom and gus?" He asks still pretty tired. I turn the t.v off.
"I was thinking for your dad a new fishing rod. For your mom a tea kettle and for gus a basket of various lotions."
"How about me?" He asks.
"Well I was thinking morning sex-"
"Christmas sex..mm sounds awesome"
"And then breakfast and then we go to your dads and I would give you your real present then."
"Morning Christmas sex and a present?" He smile widely.
"The sex is a present to both of us" I tell him.
"Can I cash that in for today?"
"I would say yes but I am all tapped out an I have to go to work in 10 minutes."
"What!? All tapped out?! How. We had sex three days ago"
"I was horny you were sleeping so I had to please myself."
"Man wake me up next time. I would love sleepily sex"
"Sorry" I stand up and grab his plate and my cup. I put them in the dish washer and then put my holster on and my suit jacket. "I'll see you tonight. Probably before tonight like lunch time but I love you" I lean down and kiss him.
"I love you too." He smiles. Before I leave he yells at me. "Hey! No getting injured or dying today. I sorta need my fiancé"
"I'll try." I shut the door and walk down the hall. I wish we lived in an actual house sometimes so its like instant sun when walking out the front door. But I like my place. Shawn seems to like my place a lot too so its okay...for now.

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