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"Las" I wake up.
"What?" He asks.
"We're at work?"
"Nobody is here" he says working on some paper work.
"Yeah, I can see" I look down the dimly lit hall. "Does that mean I can kiss you?"
"No because cameras"
"Damnit" I cross my legs and look at his paper work. "I'm gonna go get something from the drink machine thing, want anything?"
"No I'm okay" I pat his thigh and get up.
"Whatever you say baby doll"
"Don't call me that" he warns.
"Okay sweet cheeks." I wink.
"Spencer" he groans. I chuckle and walk away. I get a water and go back to the desk.
"I think I'm gonna go home" I say.
"Wait I'm almost done we could go to my place?" He looks up at me. "And cuddle?"
"Ah man my very handsome boyfriend I love when you say cuddle" I sit back down and grab his hand.
"We've blocking them" I tell him. He smiles but doesn't look at me. "You like it" I nudge him.
"Stop" he chuckles. I smile and watch him for the next 10 minutes while playing with his fingers.
"Cmon let's get out of here" I groan.
"Ok ok" he escapes my grasp and puts his file in his desk. "My place or yours?" He asks.
"Yours. Its much cleaner and I like your bed"
"My bed likes you" we walk out and the cold air hits me suddenly.
"Wow it is cold" I shiver.
"Here" he takes his blazer off and puts it around my shoulders.
"Wow" I blush.
"I can be the nice person" he says.
"I know you're nice." I chuckle. "You are nice to me when we're alone but you try to be mr. I- have-no-feelings when we get around other people"
"Really?" We get into his car and he looks over at me.
"Yeah I don't find it a big deal you make it up." I say
"Well by being A) being my boyfriend B) letting me sleep with you sexual and non sexual-" he chuckles and nods his head. "-and C) you buy me literally all my meals" I lean over and kiss him. He smiles and drives to his apartment which is a few blocks away we could technicaly walk but he loves his car so much. So I just go with it. We walk up to his door and that's when I get handsy. I kiss his neck and start feeling him up.
"Wait until we get inside" he laughs.
"Why? We can't do it right here?" I ask pushing myself against him.
"Ok ok wait" he chuckles pressing his hand on back pulling me closer to him. Our first time was so weird.. We got into it but when we were both in our boxers we sat up and realized this is going to be super weird. So we got drunk and it was great from what I remember a lot of laughing went on. It was great it was probably our third time we decided not to get drunk. He falls onto the bed and looks up at Me and I crawl on top of him and lush our lips together. His phone starts ringing as I start unbuttoning his shirt.
"Don't answer that" I breath onto his skin.
"Don't worry im all yours" he says pulling me back up to his lips. My phone starts ringing once his is done.
"Ah no!" I shout sitting up. I straddle his hips and look at it.
"Its Jules" I say.
"Okay I guess we have to answer" he says.
"Jules what's up!?" I answer. Carlton flips us around so he's on top. He starts kissing me.
"Uhm yeah so cheif is very curious why lassiter is so happy and then sad within two days so she's coming to check up on him right now!"
"Mm-" I pull away and his lips go down to my neck. "Karren is coming here?!" I ask.
"If you're at Carlton's yes"
"How long do we have?"
"Um she called about 5 mintues ago so I would say none"
"Ah! Okay! No"
"What?" Lassie asks.
"Cheif Vic is-" there's a knock on his door.
"Here!?" He shouts.
"Yes yes!" We both jump up.
"Why?" He asks buttoning his shirt up.
"I don't know what am I gonna do?"
"Hide in here? I don't know?"
"Detective lassiter?" Cheif asks.
"Uh yeah one second" he says.
"You look good go" I push him out. I sit down on the bed and listen.

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