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His lips are so warm and his tongue is so...taste full like pineapple and wine. Its our day off so instead of getting up and getting dressed we're making out in his bed. His cat jumps up making me jump away and grab my gun. "Its just Mr. Cat" he laughs.
"Sorry" I say. He puts him on the ground and scoots closer again.
"You can make it up to me" he smiles letting his tongue run over his teeth. I smirk and connect our lips again after about four minutes Mr. Cat jumps back up. "I am trying to get laid go away." He puts him in the living room and closes the door.
"Oh is this what you wanted? Me to fuck you?" I ask chuckling.
"Maybe" he blushes.
"I think we can rearrange something" I say and pull him on top of me. He smiles into the kiss as I run my fingers through his hair. Scratch scratch meow
He sighs and drops his head to my shoulder.
"I'm sorry" he says and sits up. Hes straddling me as he grabs his phone and checks it. "Breakfast?" He throws it on his side of the bed.
"I kinda wanted you for breakfast" I mutter. Did I just say that out loud?
"I'm off the menu" he says gets up. We walk into his kitchen and he opens his fridge. "Eggs?"
"Yeah" I love watching him cook. He doesn't know many things to cook but what he does know how he gets into it. He spins around and wiggles between my legs.
"I love you" he smiles.
"I love you too" we link our fingers together.
"Hey I brought donuts" gus says walking in.
"Gus!" Spencer shouts. Guster turns around covering his eyes. I jump down and Spencer pushes me to the bedroom.
"You have a bedroom" gus says.
"We weren't doing anything other then talking"
"Why didn't you tell me you had him over?"
"Because...its my apartment?" I walk out with my slacks on.
"Burton" I nod.
"Ok well while you and your boy toy are messing around I will be working" he turns around and leaves.
"Wow I am sorry" he says
"Remind me to lock your door" I sit down on his chair and look over at him bringing me a plate of eggs.
"Thank you" I pull him onto my lap.
"So if we were to move in together would we move into my place or yours?" He asks.
"Mmm I like my place its bigger and allows animals"
"You'd let Mr. Cat move in?!"
"Yeah cmon you're my boyfriend and if you love Mr. Cat that much I can work with it"
"Man you are the best person ever." He says and kisses me. "If we get married who would be your grooms men?"
"Well my brother... And..uhm.."
"About that..." He gets off my leg. Oh no... "When will I meet Toby and Lou Lou?"
"Well...they're actually coming...soon" I scatch my neck.
"Really?" He asks
"I was gonna tell you when you're at the calmest" I sit up and put my plate on the coffee table. "Just.. My brother is uptight"
"More up right then you?" He asks sitting down on the couch.
"Oh dang" He sets his plate down. "Ok I know what to do. I will move to mexico. What's your siblings are done visiting then you can come down and we can get married and never see them again"
"He's homophobic okay but for some reason he has an expection with me."
"Would he with since I'm bisexual?"
"Well since I love you then hopefully not but I ask you to just..not be so sexual"
"What?! Sexual? Im not that sexual?"  
"You are too! You always come up and touch me or whisper something dirty"
"Should I stop whispering dirty things?"
"When he's here yes." I nod.
"But-" he gets up and sits on my lap again. "I can do it now?"
"Matters what you say" I whisper back .
"I want you to fuck me so hard I won't be able to walk" he nibbles my ear.
"I can do that" I stand up and he wraps his legs around my waist. I shut the door and toss him on the bed.
"Wow I didn't think this would work" he smiles widely as I leave open mouthed kisses on neck. My phone starts vibrating in my pocket.
"I gotta check this" I say and fall onto my elbows to read it. He kisses my neck as I read ding dong where are you?
"Toby's here" I sit up.

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