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"You're dating?!" Cheif Vick shouts in her office.
"Uh yes ma'm" I nod.
"Ha- my head detective and physic?" She says. Spencer nods and sits down. "How long?" She asks.
"About four months now and-"
"We've kept it out of work" I say and sit down with him.
"Really? Because Officer Pell informed me you two stay here pretty late at night"
"He is my ride home most nights" shawn says.
"You two are living together?" She raises an eyebrow.
"Noo no no. We just said we love each other next comes moving in but I made a rule don't move in until 1 year" shawn sits up and looks at me.
"Okay so you love each other?" She asks.
"Why didn't you inform me?"
"No offense cheif but we thought since we weren't letting work get involved it'd be no problem" I tell her. "Well...I can't exactly break you up. But...don't think this gives you permission to get handsy on cases"
"Wait...you're ok with this?" I ask surprised.
"Carlton...I haven't seen you this happy since you got married." She gives a small smile. The fact that spencer is the person to make me this happy is...crazy.
"Thank you cheif" we stand up and shake her hand.
"Spencer" she says as we walk out. "Take care of him."
"We take care of each other" he nods and we walk out.
"Did we just...?" I ask
"Spencer!" I shout. He turns around and shrugs. "Get over here?" He walks over and sits down on the chair he stole from the conference room.
"What? I was welcoming the rookie"
"You were flirting" I raise my eyebrow. "Flirt with me"
"Ah are you jealous?" He pokes me.
"No" I cough.
"You look good today" he says rolling over next to me. "And I like your tie"
"Now your just being nice" I shake my head.
"I love you" he smiles.
"I love you too"
"Wanna make out?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Go away" I push his chair away from me.
"Fine fine I'll go talk to the rookie" he winks.
"Spencer! Don't you dare" I shout at him. I turn back to my computer to see Juliet looking over hers watching me. "What?"
"He's turned on and you aren't giving him anything?"
"I'm at work O'Hara. I'm not gonna have a quickie in the bathroom?"
"Well at least do something with him let him feel you up or kiss him"
"O'Hara! This is work!" I gasp.
"She's right" gus says walk in by. I watch him walk off and shake my head.
"I am not having sex with him in the station" I stand up defensively and see him talking again to the rookie. I look over at Juliet and sigh. "I am not having sex with him in the station." I stomp off and grab him.
"Oh ho excuse me I think detective needs some things" I pull him outside and press him against the wall.
"You're mine" I point at him.
"Prove it"
"I'm at work."
"There's many private rooms." He slides his hand into my suit jacket and runs it down my torso.
"I'm gonna regret this" I sigh. "Meet me in conference room B"
"You kinky little lassie" he smiles. "I don't want to have sex. Well I do but just to know you would actually sacrifice your job is all I need." He slaps my butt.
"Oh you want to Now don't you?"
"I hate you" I walk inside and sit down.
"Don't" so I made myself look like an idiot and now I'm turned on. I finish the day and drive home. Shawn said he most likely won't come over but I'm still hoping he shows up. I grab a beer and turn on the t.v.
"Hey" shawn says walking in.
"hey" I sit up.
"No get comfy I just came over to say sorry for seducing you" he rubs his hands together nervously.
"Take your jacket off and sit down." I smile.
"Always caught by the detective" he says and puts his jacket on the hook and walks over to me.
"Stay here tonight" I grab his hand.
"Will do" he sits down on my lap and lays his head on my chest. "This is romantic but so not comfy"
"Yeah" I laugh. He slides off and wraps his arm around me.
"Detective" he looks up at me.
"You're watching 16 and pregnant"
"Yes" I blush but turn it up.

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