Chapter 1 - Parents and daughter / Oxford.

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POV Yasmin.

I was in the road. I bought my ticket to Truro at two-thirty. I want to go to Truro away from Layla, Vick, Roger, and Les Paul. I want from them. As everyone is hurt me and do not want my friends, I never speak to them. I caught the bus at two-thirty. At five-thirty I got to the bus station in Truro. I took a taxi on the road leading to the house of my parents. I have a copy of the key and opened the door. I walked into the living room and locked. My parents are at work.

I did not warn you come to Truro today. I took my bags to my room. I took a shower and went to dinner. When my parents arrived was a big surprise. They embraced me with many memories, honey. I told them to bathe and have dinner. We talked animatedly. When we finished dinner my father said:

- He decided to make a surprise daughter? It came with Roger?

At that moment I kept silent and I started crying.

- Daughter what happened? Roger okay? I went into the room and sat on the couch crying.

- It's a long story. - told the two.

- Please daughter, tell us everything that happened. - Said my mother.

I told the two everything that happened when I started staying with Tim, dating, clearance of my friends, especially Roger, the fights with them all, the betrayal of Tim, the end of dating.

My parents looked at me at first with grief.

- Yasmin you were dating and not told us over the phone? - I asked my father sad. - So your mother and I realized that you were also not care for us. We turned over to you.

- I know I messed up with you. - I continued crying. - And if he had not spoken to you yet is because I was seeing if my dating really would work. I was not in love with Tim. I like him, but never love. Just talk to the two of them were really in love.

- Daughter ... - said my mother sad. - You should have told us.

- If you two are also hurt me just say so and if they want am out of here now. I look for another place to stay.

- Yasmin, calm. - said my mother hugging me. - We are sad because we omitted it, but I understand his reasons.

- You will be here with us, daughter. - said my father holding me.

- Forgive me. - I continued crying.

- You are forgiven my daughter. - said my father kissing his face.

- We love you, daughter. - My mother said smiling.

- If I could stay in Truro forever. I have no desire to return to London.

- You have to finish school, Yasmin. - Smiled my father. - Daughter, is quiet, everything will return to normal. Give it time to your friends.

- Ex-friends dad. - said sadly.

- Do not say that, honey. - My mother said. - Your friends love you.

- Mom and Dad, I want you to promise one thing:

- Tell my daughter. - Said my father.

- I do not want to see any of them. If some of them come after me when they arrive here in Truro say I did not want to see them.

- And the birthday of Roger, my daughter? It will be in a few days.

- There is no more Roger, Mom. - said bitterly.

The two sat on the couch, each on one side. Until finally I said:

- I have something to communicate them and I hope you respect my decision.

- What my daughter? - Said my father.

- Today I asked college transfer.

- What, Yasmin? - Said my mother.

- I signed most of the roles were twenty leaves. Just one paper to sign and this will come out in September, two weeks before the start of classes. This last role I take you to Oxford. The latter will need to actually formalize the transfer.

- Daughter, please do not do that. You will regret it. - Said my father.

- It is already decided, Dad. I finish my journalism degree at Oxford.

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