Chapter 28 - 1973 - A declaration of love Roger / Album '' Queen ''

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POV Roger. 

The year 1973 has passed quickly. We're on June 13. Within a month will be released the first album of Queen, titled as '' Queen ''. On the cover appears only Freddie singing. Who took the photo for the album cover was our dear friend Vick. She took other our pictures for the dissemination of our album. It's very funny and enjoyable to work with. Even though friends at the time of taking the pictures she acts like a true professional. Sometimes she and Brian discuss. These two do not have that. I still believe that dating will come out of it all. The boys and I recorded the album over the past year at Trident Studios and finalized earlier this year. Bree can not attend the end of the recording sessions because he took a strong hepatitis and became very ill in hospital for a while and then recovered at home. We recorded many parts of the album without him, but when he recovered separately recorded parts of his guitar solos and vocals. Freddie wrote five of the ten tracks, including Bri composed four '' Doing All Right '' which was co-written by Tim Staffell, my brother when we still had the band Smile. Tim did not mind at all to see one of the Smile era songs on the album. On the contrary, he was very happy. And I wrote and singing the song '' Modern Times Rock'n'Roll. '' Yasmine and the other girls are eager to hear the complete album.  

Meanwhile we make presentations in pubs, parties. We are increasingly popular in London and other UK cities.I continue with my work as a teacher of biology. Until enjoy teaching for teens, but I hope this ends soon. I do not want to be a teacher for the rest of my life.Help Freddie still in clothing store that we have on Saturdays. Lately we are in a full run.

My beautiful sister Clare twenty years in April. Is doing very well in law school, is working. She's very smart. Tim still dating that was twenty-six. Actually today I realize how much he loves my real sister. He completely changed for Clare. Love changes people.

I am womanizer, I confess, but one day if I start dating will be faithful. You may even laugh at me, but I will be faithful to my girlfriend. I dream of one day marry and have children with the woman he loves. And when that happens I will be totally devoted to my family.Since my heartbreak with Elisa when she was sixteen not dated seriously with anyone else. Although I never loved Elisa. It was a teenage crush at the time, yet I was disappointed, I confess and since then only think about partying, sex and nothing else. I have lost count of how many women took to bed over the years.But things are changing ... I do not take it anymore . My heart is about to explode. I can no longer put off what I have felt in my chest. I decide to talk to Paul .- I can talk my amigo If I did not mess up . I know you're studying for exams of his Master , if you want we can talk some other time.

- Roger , you do not disturb - said smiling. - I'm always ready to listen to my friends. We are friends since childhood.

- Okay. - Weak smiles .

We were in his room. I sat on his bed and said,

- Paul do you remember when we lived in Truro when Yasmine was sixteen , and that day you were together in her birthday party?

He grinned and said :

- Of course I remember Rog . It's been almost eight years of this event , but I remember like it was yesterday . You were very jealous because Yasmin and I kissed and at that time you were with Elisa .

- Exactly. And remember the content of the conversation we had that day , I asked you not to discuss with her ​​what we talked and I said to you that one day she would know by me? 

- I remember every detail of that conversation , Rog . Still in my memory. 

- Well I think it's time to talk to her. - I sighed . 

- You sure about that , Rog?

- I have my friend. - said with tears in her eyes . - I'm almost twenty- four years. I'm already a man , not a teenager. I need to tell her. - And ever thought about the consequences too? Do you understand what I mean . 

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