Chapter 47 - July/1975 - I love you so much, Roger ❤

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POV Yasmin

July has finally arrived. We are at the beginning of the month. The boys are on holiday, but in August will enter the studio to record a new album. All are in vacation from work, except me. I'll take vacation from the second half of the month. Will be only fifteen days of rest. At the end of the year picked up the rest of the holiday.

I've been crying at night. I have felt really miss Roger. At this very moment I am crying. I am holding a picture of Rog in black and white that Victoria took in one of the studios. It's a photo only of her beautiful face and long hair. He is looking sideways. Kiss the picture multiple times.

- I love you, Rog. I love you my kitten.

It is from Friday to Saturday. The girls went home boys watching movies, eating pizza and drinking beer. I did not go because I know if I see Roger will be worse. More I suffer in silence. I put a picture of Roger beneath my pillow and sleep clinging to my Snoopy I got from Roger when I turned eleven.

POV Clare.

Friday night the girls and I went to the house of the boys. My brother then brought in. Yasmin did not want to come with us. In recent days she is depressed. My brother is also like this. They have to understand as soon as possible.

On Saturday I get up at ten in the morning. Layla and Vick already agreed sipping coffee.

- Good morning girls. - I say smiling.

- Good morning Clare. - Responds both drinking coffee.

- Mary was already working?

- Yes Clare. - Said Vick eating a piece of white cheese.

- And Yasmin is back swimming? - I asked.

- I do not know. - Layla said. - In fact at nine in the morning Yasmin is back. We get up at nine in the morning, prepare coffee and so far nothing of it appear.

I think weird. I get up and go to direction to Yasmin's room. As he approached the door of his room I hear her sobs.

I nod to Layla and Vick and they approach.

- Yasmin crying? - Layla question.

- It would appear so. - said worriedly.

I open the door and see a pitiful scene. Yasmin lying on her bed with her eyes red from crying, shaking and under his pillow a photo of my brother and she is clinging to Snoopy.

- Yasmin my dear. - I approach her and sit beside me.

- Your brother hates me. - She says weeping and sobbing at the same time. - I'm leaving for New York. I'm leaving.

- You will not go anywhere, Yasmin. - Said seriously Victoria. - Let's get up. Wash that face and go talk to Roger.

- He hates me. - She says looking at the picture of my beautiful brother. - Clare I will work in Rolling Stone in New York. I ask transfer next week.

- Yasmin ... - I say stroking her hair. - It is impossible my brother hate you, on the contrary: he is completely in love with you. - Smile. - He loves you very much. Roger is melancholy in recent days. I only see sadness in his eyes. You need to talk.

- Yasmin, get up, go to your class late swimming, having a coffee, improves their appearance and later seeks Roger and says everything you're feeling. Open your heart. - Layla smiled.

- Clare, I can now say with certainty in the world: I love very much his brother and want to be with him. If he does not want me I die.

– No one will die, Yasmin. - Smile. - Come on, get up, have a coffee, go to the swimming lesson, because in the afternoon will go with you the home of the boys. I will tell Roger I want to talk to him. And when we get there, you will speak with him and open the heart.

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