Chapter 13 - January 1970 - Jimi Hendrix ..

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POV Yasmin . 

After the first day of January Les and we were once again, but nothing serious. We agreed to continue being friends like always were. Roger became very jealous , even asked Les if he was in love with me . I deserve... In the coming days Tim and Clare were kissing hidden . I talked to them and asked what they felt for each other . They said they are attracted to each other , who are meeting and even when Tim back to London will maintain contact with Clare by phone . Apparently the thing is more serious than imagined. Tim said with Roger time will have to accept perhaps a future romance between him and Clare. My God I'm stunned by all that is happening. Neither Winifred knew it. Just me. I promised to continue guarding secret to Tim and Clare on this subject . If Roger learns that know it all and did not tell him for sure we will have another big fight and he'll be upset with me again .  

On January 10th we returned to London. My Brazilian family had already returned to Brazil on 06. I said goodbye to my parents saying that soon would visit them.I left ride with Roger. Us were Layla, Vick and Paul. Les came back with Tim, Brian and Freddie in the other car.Roger seems child sometimes. He's still sulking with Les because it stuck with me. I just laughed at the situation.Before they parted Tim promised Clare which will connect frequently. They kissed the hidden, because by the time the boys took leave of Winifred and Clare, Tim just kissed Clare's face all smiles. Their eyes were bright young. He was rising slowly the love between them ...Upon arrival in London our lives back to normal. We were still on vacation from college and internships. The collation degree of Tim and Freddie will be next week. We will be present.Soon came the other week and there was the conferring of the degree of our friends. We participate together with their family members who were proud.Following this event, Bri, Rog and Tim made presentations in pubs. The last week of school vacation on a Thursday night Roger called me and said, smiling:- Yasmine , I have great news : the Smile band will play at the Royal Albert Hall. We will open the show of Jimi Hendrix . He will show later this month , on 26 and 27 January . In the two days we will play .

- ROG , THAT WONDERFUL NEWS . - I screamed. - This is fantastic. But as you were selected ?

- The organization of the Jimi Hendrix concert event researched the bands that appear in the London pubs. The owners of the pubs we played already indicated our band and others. The organizers of the show contacted us yesterday and today during the day there were tests with other bands and ours. And we were selected . I'm so glad Yasmine . We know Jimi Hendrix.

- What do we ? - I asked confused.

- Princess, Tim , Bri and I got free tickets for the two concerts Jimi , to all our friends . You attend the Smile and then the Hendrix concert .  

By the time Rog said that I hopped same child. 

- ROG I LOVE YOU VERY - shouted. 

- Only love me for who got the concert tickets is not it? - Said namby-pamby . 

- Silly. I love every day. But seriously : I am very happy with this news . 

- For warns Layla and Vick and tell our photographer friend she will take photos of the two presentations and get a paycheck for it. - He smiled. - I'll let Freddie now.

- Ok kitten. You come get me tomorrow to go the pizzeria ? 

- Of course princess. I love you. See you tomorrow. 

- See you tomorrow angel.

Rog hung up the phone and told Layla and Vick the news. They were ecstatic . Victoria said he is not thinking of the cache , which the most important are the photos of the shows it will take and still watch Jimi Hendrix live . The Royal Albert Hall has a capacity for 6,000 people . On 09 January this month who performed at the venue was the British band Led Zeppelin. At that time we were still all in Truro. But we heard in the news that the show was a great success . I wanted to have seen Robert Plant , Jimmy Page , John Paul Jones and John Bonham .  

20th the college classes again and the stage as well.

Finally the day arrived January 26. The venue was packed. We were in the VIP area. 

Finally the time has come to Bri, Tim and Roger took the stage and played for an hour the music of the band Smile. The three were lovely. Rog just needed to disassemble the battery so perfect that he touched. 

Freddie was all loud that night. I had a very just jeans, platform heels and a highly psychedelic colored shirt and shirt were two peacock feathers and had his left hand fingernails painted black. I told Freddie that was very brave to paint your nails that color. 

- Why dear? Black enamel is beautiful. You do not like? 

- I like black clothes, but not black enamel. - I smile. - I never painted my nails black, Freddie. I prefer baby pink or white enamel, from time to time up to a red, but never black ... 

- You have a whole enchanted princess at all really, Yasmin, even to paint your nails. - Freddie said taking my hand and seeing my color glaze. - Look, painted pink baby even. 

He laughed openly. Freddie said it used to take the cuticles of your nails. Layla and I talked a bit with him about enamel colors. Les and Paul just laughed at us and Vick was concentrated taking pictures of the guys who were on stage.

At the end of the presentation everyone applauded Rog , Tim and Bri . They were perfect tonight. They received high praise . They seized and released the LP of the band. They had recorded an LP . Sales were reasonable, but they were discouraged . 

They hoped that with the studio recording would achieve a satisfactory sale, but that has not happened with the show today perhaps have some success . 

After the presentation, the three called us. We went into the dressing room to greet them . We took some pictures of us now . And we had access to the dressing room of Jimi Hendrix as well. He received us friendly and took a picture with all of us, autographed for us all. Victoria missed faint to see him . The boys were in state of euphoria when he saw Hendrix . We were about fifteen minutes in the dressing room . He talked a little with us and said he will do everything to give a great show to all fans.

We returned to the VIP area and wait for the show to begin . Shortly after Hendrix took the stage and I swear it was one of the best shows we 've been all my life. I will never forget this night. He played the American national anthem on guitar as well as Woodstock to the sound of bombs in the background, a critical fierce the Vietnam War . Vick took many pictures of Hendrix . We pulávamos and shouted like crazy . At the end of the show we all went to a restaurant. The next night was the same, we enjoyed the presentation of the Smile and another memorable show Hendrix . January began excellent ... .

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