I'm not interested in Jake

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Ashton sat on the back deck with his beer in hand. He watched as the waves rolled in and the sun slowly set in the sky.

"Hey there gorgeous." Jake's voice spoke as he took a seat next to Ashton.

"Hi." Ashton answered letting out a sigh. He had been enjoying the silence. Just then he noticed Luke took a seat next to Jake.

Ashton contemplated saying something to Luke but decided not to.

"You always this quiet or do I just make you shy?" Jake grinned at Ashton.

"I'm always this quiet." Ashton answered not looking at Jake before taking a sip of his beer.

"I bet you aren't quiet in the bedroom." Jake smirked causing Ashton to choke on his beer.

"Jake, don't kill him." Luke nudged his brother.

"I have that effect on people, sorry." Jake shrugged.

"Here." Jake wiped a drop of beer from Ashton's chin.

Ashton glared at Jake but said nothing.

"Hey Ash, tell Calum my phone charger is on my bed if he asks." Camila said as she and Alex walked up.

"Hey Ashton." Alex nodded at Ashton.

"Hey Alex. Okay Camila, I'll let him know." Ashton nodded.

"Thanks, have fun." Camila grinned widely before dragging Alex down the stairs.

"Ashton, huh?" Jake said thoughfully.

"Aaashttooonnnn." Jake spoke drawing out his name.

"I like the way it rolls off the tongue." Jake wiggled his eyebrows at Ashton.

Ashton once again rolled his eyes.

"I'm Jake." Jake said smiling at Ashton.

"I know." Ashton answered not bothering to look at Jake.

"What? How?" Jake frowned. He hadn't told Ashton his name.

"Luke told me." Ashton answered simply.

"Luke? What?" Jake looked at his brother who was busy on his phone.

"He's my roommate." Ashton explained.

"Awww, Lukkkke." Jake whined.

"What?" Luke asked looking at Jake.

"You get to share a room with Ashton?" Jake asked still whining.

"Oh, yeah." Luke nodded.

"Switch with me please?" Jake begged his brother.

"Jack said no switching." Luke shook his head.

"Aww, come on. He won't even know." Jake pointed out.

"It's probably best that he doesn't." Ashton said standing up. This caused both twins to look up at him simultaneously.

"I might distract you too much, you can't seem to concentrate on anything but me when I'm around." Ashton shrugged.

"Looks like it's time for another beer. You two have a nice evening." Ashton gave a curt smile before disappearing inside.

"Looks like this one fights back." Luke chuckled.

"That makes it fun. Challenge accepted." Jake smiled at his brother.

"I doubt it'll take long, you tend to hook them pretty easily." Luke patted his brother's shoulder reassuringly.

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