I don't want anyone but you

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Jake stopped in front of Ashton and Luke's room.

"Thank you for letting me take you out." Jake spoke sincerely.

"Thank you for a nice evening. I was pleasantly surprised." Ashton smiled at the blonde.

"So I know that convincing you to go out with me again probably isn't going to happen is it?" Jake asked with a small smile.

"Probably not." Ashton agreed meeting Jake's smile with one of his own.

"Well then before this magical night ends can I ask for a kiss?" Jake asked looking suddenly shy.

"Well since you were nice enough to ask." Ashton smirked as he leaned up and placed his lips gently on Jake's. Jake wrapped his arm around Ashton's waist and put his other hand on the back of Ashton's neck pulling Ashton in closer. Jake slid his tongue is Ashton's mouth as he deepened the kiss. Ashton felt himself get dizzy. He hadn't had such a heated kiss in a long time. Jake was a good kisser. Ashton knew he should pull away but no one was around to see it so he went along with it.

Ashton finally pulled back breathless.

"Damn, you're an amazing kisser." Jake smiled at Ashton.

Ashton felt himself blush.

"I hate that I can't convince you to go out with me again." Jake sighed seeming genuinely upset.

"What? Is being my friend not good enough?" Ashton asked with a smirk.

"Not nearly." Jake said in a whisper as he leaned closer to Ashton. He placed his hands on Ashton's hips and took a step closer.

Ashton swallowed hard as Jake pressed Ashton to the wall behind them.

"You're just so tempting." Jake said his voice still quiet.

"T-tempting how?" Ashton asked with a slight frown.

Jake's eyes which had previously been raking over Ashton's body were now piercing into Ashton's. Jake pressed himself against Ashton and was about to whisper something into his ear when Michael's voice spoke up from behind them.

"Jake, back off of him." Michael growled.

"Clifford, what do you want?" Jake growled back.

"You're making Ashton uncomfortable." Michael answered harshly.

"Am I making Ashton uncomfortable or am I making you uncomfortable?" Jake hissed as he stepped away from Ashton.

"What do you mean?" Michael frowned in confusion.

Jake pressed a small kiss to Ashton's cheek.


Ashton only nodded in response.

As Jake walked by Michael he spoke so Ashton couldn't hear.

"He'll never return your feelings for him, give it up."

Michael's frown deepened as he watched Jake close himself in his room. He turned to Ashton.

"You okay?" Michael asked as he noticed Ashton's cheeks flare red.

"Yeah." Ashton nodded.

"Did you have a nice time?" Michael asked not sure what to say.

"Surprisingly, yeah." Ashton shrugged.

"Oh." Michael answered in disappointment.

"Where's Luke?" Ashton asked.

Michael seemed hesitant.

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