He's not going to win me over

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Warning! Poorly written smut at the end. =)

Ashton walked towards the bon fire his eyes searching for Jake. He promised to meet him here at six and he was already ten minutes late.

"Hey, gorgeous, there you are. I was about to come looking for you." Jake said appearing next to Ashton.

"Sorry, Luke and I ended up surfing longer than expected then we were starving so I went and got lunch with him and Ashley then we had to shower and Luke takes forever in the shower." Ashton explained.

"He does do that." Jake nodded in agreement.

"Did you have fun?" Jake asked

"Yeah, Luke finally got the hang of it. He was doing great by the end of it." Ashton beamed proudly.

"He's been wanting to surf for forever, thanks for teaching him." Jake smiled at Ashton.

"No problem, It was actually nice to have someone to surf with." Ashton smiled. He was in such a good mood.

"Can I get you a drink?" Jake asked.

"I'll have a beer." Ashton nodded.

"I'll get you one." Jake said rushing off.

Ashton took a seat on one of the logs pulled up around the fire pit. There were a few people there already. He recognized Liam sitting with a blonde he didn't know her name. He saw Rian and Jack and then Hayley.


Ashton looked up to see Liam calling him over. Ashton stood up and made his way to Liam. He took a seat next to him.

"Hey." Ashton smiled.

"Hey, I wanted to introduce you to a friend of mine. This is Perrie Edwards." Liam pointed at the blonde next to Liam. She was pretty. Her long hair made her blue eyes shine.

"Hey." Ashton smiled extending a hand.

"Hi." Perrie smiled flashing her pearly whites.

"Perrie, that name sounds familiar. I must have heard it at some point." Ashton commented.

"That's me." She blushed lightly.

"Here you go, babe." Jake's voice said from above Ashton. Ashton looked up to see Jake glaring at Liam and Perrie while holding out a beer to Ashton.

"Thanks." Ashton took the beer before turning his attention back to Perrie.

"How do you know Liam and Jack?" Ashton asked.

"I live next to Liam, we've been friends for a few years. Jack and I worked together for a few years." Perrie explained.

"That's cool. I lived next to Jack for a long time." Ashton explained.

"It's a small world." Perrie smiled.

Just then Michael, Ashley, Calum, Camila, Alex and Luke walked over to the fire.

"Wow, I think everyone's here now." Jack said excitedly.

"Let's do something dumb to kind of introduce each other to the group since we're finally all here." Jack suggested.

"I'll start. I'm Jack Barakat, and my dad owns this beach house." Jack held up his beer.

"To Jack!" Alex held up his beer everyone else followed suit before taking a swig.

"I'm Rian Dawson, I secretly like country music." Rian laughed obviously a bit tipsy already.

"To Rian." The group held up their beers taking another swig.

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