Few Days Prior (part1)

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Okay here is Luke's POV. It's pretty long so I am breaking it into two parts. Some of it will be repeat but you get Luke's thoughts on everything so you know what's going on. I put the chapter in parenthesis so you know kind of where you are. Sorry if you find this boring I just thought it might be nice to know what Luke's thinking now.



Luke stood in the kitchen holding a drink in his hand. He watched as different friends of Jack's showed up. Some he knew, some he didn't. He looked over to see a curly haired guy walking by. Luke scanned the boy admiring his muscular arms that were showing due to his sleeveless shirt. Luke smiled a bit as he noticed the boy smile at Jack before grabbing a beer. He had dimples that dug deep into both cheeks. Luke considered going over to say hi but he decided against it. He chuckled a bit as Jake almost ran the guy over. Luke's smile turned into a frown as he watched his flirty brother eye the boy as he walked away.

Luke opened the paper to see the number three. He glanced around wondering who he might end up with. He felt his heart drop a bit as he saw his brother grab the cute curly haired guys stuff. Looks like they were rooming together. Figures Jake would end up with the cute guy.

"Luke, what number did you get?" Michael asked walking up to him.

"Three." Luke answered. Maybe he'd be with Michael. That would be nice.

"Damn. I got one." Michael huffed.

"Hmm." Luke frowned.

"Oh well, come with me to get a drink, I'm thirsty." Michael said dragging Luke by his arm. Luke followed and grabbed a water bottle while Michael grabbed a beer.

"This place is so nice." Michael grinned looking around the room.

"Yeah, I can't believe Jack's dad let him use it for the summer." Luke shook his head.

"Apparently they're staying in London for three months so they let Jack stay here instead of going with." Michael shrugged.

"Wow, nice." Luke knew Jack's parents were well off but he didn't know they were that well off.

Luke looked over then to see the cute guy was back downstairs and not with Jake. He contemplated going over to say hi and introduce himself but before he got the courage he saw Jake walking towards him holding a beer. He handed it to the guy and took the empty one from him. Luke sighed knowing that Jake was interested in the guy. Jake didn't flirt with just anybody but when he decided he liked someone he was a major flirt and he could tell that this dimpled cutie was on Jake's radar.

"Hey, I'm gonna go take my stuff upstairs and get settled into my room." Luke said dragging his eyes away from the cute guy.

"Okay, you want any help?" Michael asked.

"Nah." Luke shook his head before heading over and grabbing his bag. He made his way upstairs and searched for a room labeled three. The door was open. He stepped inside and stopped.

There laying on the bed was the cute guy from before. Luke cleared his throat so as to not scare the guy.

The cute guy sat up as Luke walked towards the bed.

"Are you just gonna follow me around all night?" The guy asked raising a brow.

Luke frowned and rolled his eyes before tossing his suitcase on the bed.

"Wait, what are you doing?" The guy asked looking worried.

"This is my room. See? Number three." Luke answered holding up his piece of paper.

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