Hey gorgeous

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Ashton knocked on the dorm room door and waited patiently for it to open.

"Happy Birthday, Ashton!"

Ashton smiled at his boyfriend.

"Thank you Harry."

"Before we go get out coffee, I have a gift for you." Harry smiled showing off two dimples, his green eyes shining excitedly.

"You weren't supposed to get me anything." Ashton scolded gently.

"I know, but I couldn't help it." Harry shrugged handing Ashton a small thin box.

Ashton peeled back the paper and opened the box revealing two drumsticks with his name engraved in each one.

"I know you said you wanted durable drumsticks that wouldn't break so easily. Their supposedly made with really good wood. I'm not sure what it is but yeah." Harry shifted uneasily waiting for Ashton's reaction.

"Haz, these are perfect." Ashton grinned wrapping his arms around Harry.

"I'm glad you like them." Harry sighed with relief.

"I love them." Ashton nodded.

"Okay, let's go get our coffee before I have to be at class." Harry slid his hand in Ashton's and they hurried to the college cafe.

"Here is your cinnamon chai latte." A petite redhead handed over a small cup to Ashton.

"Thank you." Ashton turned away holding the filled cup gently so as not to spill it.

"Hey gorgeous."

Ashton's eyes widened at the familiar blonde standing in front of him. The cup slipped from his grasp landing with a loud crash sending hod liquid and glass everywhere.

"Ash, are you okay?" Harry asked his hand resting gently on Ashton's lower back.

The contact pulled Ashton from his frozen state.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." Ashton nodded.

"I'll get this cleaned up for you. Are you alright?" The redhead from behind the counter was now mopping the mess Ashton had made.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Ashton apologized.

"It's fine." The girl smiled.

Ashton and Harry stepped aside as the blonde guy now stood directly in front of Ashton and Harry.

"J-Jake." Ashton stuttered a bit.

"How are you?" Jake asked with a smile.

Ashton only nodded unsure of what to say.

"You know this guy?" Harry asked curiously.

"Oh, yeah, this is....an old friend." Ashton said wording his sentence carefully.

"This is Jake Hemmings." Ashton's mouth went dry just saying his last name.

"Jake, this is....my boyfriend Harry Styles." Ashton spoke almost quietly.

"Oh." Jake looked a bit surprised.

"Nice to meet you." Jake smiled extending his hand.

"You too." Harry smiled back shaking Jake's hand.

"Well, babe, I wish I could stay but I have to get to class."

"Okay." Ashton nodded.

"Happy Birthday. I'll see you later." Harry placed a kiss on Ashton's cheek before hurrying off.

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