I just don't get it

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"Hey." Jake spoke up suddenly in Ashton's bedroom doorway.

"Hi." Ashton responded simply as he searched for a shirt.

"You still meeting Liam for lunch?" Jake asked obviously trying to hide his jealousy.

"Yeah." Ashton nodded.

There was an awkward silence that hung in the air.

"Can I ask you something?" Jake sighed.

"What?" Ashton asked pulling a shirt over his head.

"Did I do something to upset you?" Jake asked. This caused Ashton to stop what he was doing and look at the blonde.

"No, why?" Ashton frowned.

"I just don't get why you push me away so much." Jake sighed.

"You push me so I push back, it's just how I am." Ashton shrugged.

"I just really like you." Jake said taking a few steps towards Ashton.

"Jake, we've been over this." Ashton huffed in annoyance.

"Yeah, you keep saying you're not interested in me, but how do you know if you don't give me a chance?" Jake took another step towards Ashton. He had Ashton pinned against the dresser.

"You aren't my type." Ashton explained.

"But I could change that." Jake licked his bottom lip as he stared at Ashton's mouth.

"Give me a chance." Jake begged.

"No, Jake." Ashton shook his head.

"Why not? They say opposites attract." Jake lifted his hand to Ashton's face. He ran his thumb along Ashton's bottom lip. Ashton felt stunned. He wanted to move away but it was like his body wouldn't let him. Jake slowly leaned forward and just before Jake could kiss him, Ashton saw someone out of the corner of his eye. He quickly dipped away from Jake and passed him.

"Sorry, Jake." Ashton shook his head grabbing his phone trying to ignore the other blonde that stood uneasily at the door.

"I'm late meeting Liam, catch up with you two later." Ashton said slipping by Luke. Jake looked defeated. Ashton almost felt bad. Almost.


"Man, that was delicious." Liam smiled leaning back in the booth.

"I know, I'm so full." Ashton nodded in agreement.

"Wings were a great idea." Liam patted his stomach with a chuckle.

"I agree." Ashton nodded again.

"So, how much grief did Jake give you for having lunch with me?" Liam asked as the waiter set the bill on the table.

"Not as much as I expected honestly." Ashton shrugged grabbing the check.

"I'll get it." Liam insisted grabbing for the check.

"Not a chance." Ashton shook his head.

"I invited you to lunch, I'll pay." Ashton smiled at Liam who smiled back.

"Jake, asked me not to date you." Liam said after a moment of silence.

"What?" Ashton asked in surprise.

"He said he wanted you to give him a chance." Liam looked down at his hands.

"You think I should." Ashton sighed.

"I don't know." Liam shrugged.

"Jake just wants to get in my pants he's not interested in having a relationship." Ashton shook his head.

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