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"You've got to be kidding me. " Ashton groaned.

"Ashton, baby, I know you're -"
"No, you don't get to call me that." Ashton interrupted Luke.
"Ash, please just let him talk." Jake pleaded. He looked tired.
"Why the hell should I?" Ashton snapped.
"You two can't keep ignoring each other forever." Jake sighed.
"Yes we can. I was doing just fine until you barged your way back into my life." Ashton hissed.

Jake looked hurt but Ashton couldn't care less.

"Ashton, I love you please can we just talk?" Luke pleaded.

Ashton hated to admit it but Luke's eyes and pleading was getting to him.

"Come on Jake, let's give them some privacy." Calum suggested before dragging Jake out of the dorm leaving Ashton glaring after them.

"Baby, please talk to me." Luke begged.
"Stop calling me that." Ashton growled.

"No, I won't." Luke snapped.
"I fucking love you Ashton, and whether you like it or not, that's not gonna change."

"Why are you doing this?" Ashton asked with tears in his eyes. It was hard for Ashton to hear what Luke had to say because he still loved Luke even if he wouldn't admit it, it was true.

"Doing what?" Luke frowned.

"Torturing me." Ashton answered quickly.

"I - I'm not?" Luke shook his head in confusion.

"Then why won't you leave me alone?" Ashton sighed.

"Because, I care too much to let this go." Luke answered.

"I don't want to relive that pain. Every time I see you I remember the things Jace said. I remember the things you did with him. It hurts that I couldn't be enough for you, that you weren't even willing to give me the chance to be enough for you." Ashton was fighting tears.

"Baby, you are enough for me, I'm sorry I did what I did but it was never because you weren't enough." Luke took a step towards Ashton and reached out to touch his cheek. Ashton pulled away before Luke could make contact.

"Do you know how it felt when you told me you loved me that day? I thought you'd finally come to terms with your feelings for me and that things could really start for us. I was so patient with you. But then I found out you had been with Jace." Ashton swallowed hard trying not to cry.

"He said you two slept together only hours before

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"He said you two slept together only hours before. I felt like my heart had literally been ripped from my chest. I wanted to be angry with you but I could only feel pain. I trusted myself with you in so many ways. I made promises to you, I gave myself to you physically, mentally, emotionally. I thought about the times when you kissed me and found myself wondering what you had done with him just before. I found myself asking why? Why lie? Why hurt me? I don't know what I did to make you play me like a pawn in your sick little game." Ashton was practically whispering by this point.

"Ashton." Luke whispered, his eyes glistening with tears.

"I'm so sorry! I never wanted to hurt you. I don't know why I contacted him at all. I knew you were special. I was scared. I didn't want to get hurt again so I hurt you instead and I'm so incredibly sorry. I wish I could undo what I did. I wish we could go back to the start." Luke apologized.

"Me too." Ashton sighed.

"Do me a favor?" Luke asked taking a step closer to Ashton.

Luke brought his hand under Ashton's chin so he was looking at the boy's beautiful green eyes.

"Don't let the bad memories take away from all the good memories. I swear to you I only slept with him that once and it didn't even get that far because I said your name by mistake. That proves you were on my mind the whole time." Luke caressed Ashton's cheek now.

"You were thinking of me and you still had sex with him." Ashton'svoice broke.

"I'm so sorry. I got caught up in the moment. It was familiar and comfortable. I know that doesn't excuse it but it's the truth." Luke took another step closer. He was only about a foot away from Ashton now.

"I've missed you so much, Ash." Luke leaned in and pressed his lips gently to Ashton's.

At first Ashton didn't move

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At first Ashton didn't move. Luke gently slipped his other hand around Ashton's waist his one hand still placed gently on his cheek.

Ashton gave in a bit as Luke pressed into him a bit more. Luke was about to deepen the kiss when he was suddenly pushed back.

"Damn it, Luke, you can't just kiss me and expect things to back to the way they were." Ashton snapped pinching the bridge of his nose. His tongue instinctually licked across his bottom lip.

"You kissed me back, that means you still have feelings for me." Luke said with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"No, I don't." Ashton argued.

"You're over me that quickly?" Luke asked not buying it.

"It was a year ago so yes I am." Ashton snapped.

"Look we talked, are you happy now? Can you leave?" Ashton huffed

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"Look we talked, are you happy now? Can you leave?" Ashton huffed. He was worn out.

"I told you not to call me that!" Ashton shouted angrily.

Luke looked taken aback. Ashton rarely ever got so hostile.

Luke sighed heavily before nodding.

He sadly made his way to the door.
"Thank you for talking to me." Luke spoke in a sad tone.

Ashton didn't respond as Luke let himself out.

Relieved that Luke was finally gone Ashton laid down on his bed and cried. He'd been fighting the tears the whole time. He refused to let Luke see him cry.

Sorry this one is short I wrote it on my phone. I'll be wrapping this story up soon. *sniff sniff*

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