You two should date

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It was ten o' clock and Ashton was feeling quite relaxed. Jack had decided to throw a party. Sleeping with Sirens was currently blaring through the speakers. Everyone was drinking and laughing and just having a fun time. Ashton hadn't seen Jake or Luke since earlier and that had helped him relax some.

"Ashton, is that Hayley with Luke?" Calum asked suddenly. They were on the deck with Camila, Michael, and Ashley.

"That bitch." Ashton narrowed his eyes. Sure enough Hayley was touching Luke's arm in a flirty manner.

"He's gay, I wouldn't worry about it." Michael waved his hand dismissively. That should have comforted Ashton but for some reason the idea of Hayley flirting with Luke pissed him off.

"Hey, Ashton." Ashton looked up to see Jake holding out a beer.

"I got you a beer." Ashton looked over at his half full bottle and shrugged before taking the one in Jake's hand.

"Thanks." Ashton was just glad he hadn't called him gorgeous.

"What are you glaring at so intently?" Jake asked noticing Ashton staring at Hayley and Luke again.

"Hayley's flirting with Luke." Ashton sneered at Hayley's name.

"Oh, she won't get anywhere." Jake shook his head.

"Luke's not into chicks."

"I still don't like it." Ashton huffed.

"Why not?" Jake snapped.

"Because, he's too good for her. Even if he's not interested I'd rather she didn't flirt with him." Ashton stood then ignoring Calum and Camila call after him. Ashton made his way into the house and straight for Luke and Hayley.

"Ahem." Ashton cleared his throat interrupting whatever Hayley was saying.

"A-Ashton, hey." Hayley dropped her hand that had been on Luke's arm a second ago.

Ashton glared at her but turned to Luke.

"I think Jake was looking for you." Ashton lied.

"Oh, okay, thanks." Luke nodded before turning to Hayley.

"It was nice meeting you." He smiled before walking off towards the back deck.

"What do you think you were doing?" Ashton snapped once Luke was out of ear shot.

"What are you talking about?" Hayley frowned.

"He's too good for you besides he's gay, that was a pointless endeavor." Ashton snapped again.

"Oh." Hayley dropped her eyes.

"I was actually just trying to make you jealous." Hayley admitted.

"Excuse me?" Ashton asked in disbelief.

"Ashton, I miss you. I made a mistake but I really miss you. It's been six months and I thought I could get over you but I love you." Hayley looked at Ashton with a look Ashton hadn't seen in a while. It brought back memories of he and her together. Ashton swallowed hard before backing away.

"I won't do it again." Ashton turned heading for the door. He needed to get away from her before she convinced him to do something he would regret.

"Ashton, wait, please." Hayley hurried after him catching Ashton's arm as he reached the back deck.

"Hayley, I told you-"

Hayley interrupted what Ashton was saying by kissing him. She kissed him gently at first and when he didn't pull away she carefully ran her hands up his chest and pressed in harder.

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