What are you doing here?

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Luke woke the next morning to another text from Jace.

"Hey, I just wanted to say again, that I'm glad you called last night. Anytime you want to talk feel free to call me. I know things are awkward right now but we'll get passed that."

Luke sighed trying to decide if he should respond or not. He wanted to so badly but he didn't know what he would say. He knew talking to Jace again was a bad idea but he couldn't help himself.

"Thanks, it was good to hear your voice." Luke answered keeping it simple.

He rolled over then to see Ashton still asleep. He smiled at the boy next to him. He was so beautiful. Luke wished he could find it in himself to give Ashton a real chance. He believed in love despite what he told everyone else but he couldn't admit the reason he was afraid to date was because he was still in love with Jace. He loved Jace more than anyone but he didn't trust Jace and there could be no relationship without trust. It had nearly killed Luke to end the relationship with Jace. Jace cried, Luke cried, it was a big mess. Jake hated Jace after he found out what happened. Luke and Jake got into an argument about the situation more than once. Luke wanted to forgive Jace and get back together but Jake reminded him how much it hurt him. He knew Jace had been drinking and Daniel cornered him but Jace had still given in. Luke knew Jace regretted it and he knew how much courage it had taken Jace to admit to Luke what he'd done. Luke bit his lip as the memory hit him.

"Luke, can we talk about something?" Jace asked pacing the floor of the kitchen in Jace's house.

"Sure, what's up?" Luke asked sensing something was off but trying not to get too anxious.

"You know I went to Devin's birthday party last night." Jace started.

"Uh huh." Luke nodded. He hadn't gone because he and Devin hadn't ever really gotten along. He encouraged Jace to go thought because he and Devin had known each other for years.

"Well I had a bit to drink...." Jace looked extremely nervous.

"Okay...." Luke felt himself start to panic.

"Devin convinced me to dance with him...." Jace paused again. The anticipation was killing Luke.

"Jace, what happened?" Luke asked not sure he wanted to know.

"There was a bunch of us dancing and we were all dancing pretty close. This one guy closer than the others. I didn't think anything of it but he kept grinding on me and-"

"Does this story have a point?" Luke snapped not wanting to hear this.

"I'm sorry, I just, I want you to know what happened and I want you to hear it from me. You know I love you and only you." Jace stopped pacing and took Luke's hands in his.

Luke didn't respond.

"Just tell me." Luke said his voice breaking he had a feeling the news he was about to receive would hurt.

"He got me kind of worked up and started talking suggestively in my ear. Next thing I know we're kissing and he lead me to an empty room and I wasn't thinking clearly and I'm so sorry." Jace had tears in his eyes.

Luke felt his jaw drop.

"You slept with him?" Luke couldn't believe it. He never imagined Jace would take it so far.

"I'm so sorry baby. I just met the guy so I swear it didn't mean anything. His name is Daniel Meely. You can get his number from Devin-

"What?!" Luke shouted as he stood up abruptly.

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