Forget About Him

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It had been a week since he and Luke had talked. Ashton stayed in his dorm unless he had class. He wouldn't answer any calls or texts from Luke or Jake.

"Hey, Ash, I'm going out." Calum said walking out of the bathroom in nothing but boxers.

"I'd put some clothes on first." Ashton chuckled glancing up from his computer.

"You're coming with me." Calum said pulling on a shirt.

"Yeah, I'm definitely not." Ashton disagreed.

"Ashton, you can't just hide in here all the time." Calum sighed.

"I can and I will." Ashton nodded.

Calum snatched the computer away from Ashton.

"Hey!" Ashton pouted.

"Heather is throwing a party at her house. Get dressed, we're going." Calum demanded.

Ashton groaned but stood up.

"I'll stay for an hour, then I'm coming back." Ashton knew it was best not to argue with Calum.

"Whatever." Calum shrugged. He was just glad Ashton was getting out.


Ashton followed Calum into Heathers house. He scanned the room to see it full of people talking and dancing.

"Cal, you made it." Heather greeted with a large smile.

"Ashton, right?" Heather asked then turning to Ashton.

"Yeah." Ashton nodded with a small smile.

"Glad you guys could make it. Drinks and food are in the kitchen." Heather pointed to the kitchen before being dragged off by a couple girls.

"Let's get you a drink." Calum suggested pulling Ashton towards the kitchen.

"Ashton, hey." Ashton felt his stomach flip. He turned to see Jake sitting at the table alone.

"Hey." Ashton sighed.

"I didn't know he'd be here." Calum said quietly, handing Ashton a beer.

"It was bound to happen." Ashton shrugged chugging his beer.

"How have you been?" Jake asked.

Ashton took a seat across from Jake.

"Fine. You?" Ashton asked.

"I'm gonna be honest and say. I've had a shit week. Luke won't hardly talk to me. I've been worried about you..." Jake let out a heavy sigh

Ashton dropped his eyes to his hands. As frustrated as he was with Jake he was his friend.

"I'm sorry. It's just hard for me." Ashton admitted.

"It's hard add for Luke too." Jake said in a sad tone.

"I - is he here?" Ashton asked nervously.

"I'm not going to lie. Yes. He's in the living room." Jake nodded.

Ashton didn't respond. He should have guessed they'd be here.

"He only came because I begged him to. He's been sitting on the couch by himself for about thirty minutes. He's already had four beers."

Ashton frowned.

"Luke rarely drinks."

"He's upset about you." Jake shrugged, being honest with Ashton.

Ashton stood up, chugged his beer down, grabbed a new one and headed towards the living room.

Ashton stopped when he saw Luke sitting on the edge of the couch alone with a fresh beer in hand.

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