Luke and Ashton don't get along

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"Hey gorgeous." Jake smiled putting a hand on Ashton's shoulder.

Ashton looked up.

"Hey Cal, haven't seen you in a while." Jake smiled at Calum.

"Hey, Jake." Calum said in surprise looking around obviously searching for Luke.

"H-hey." Ashton mumbled.

"Mind if I join you?" Jake asked taking a seat at the small table. The cafe wasn't busy but Jake wanted to talk to Ashton.

"Sure." Ashton sighed.

"Look, I wanted to talk about yesterday." Jake started.

"I shouldn't have surprised you like that. I was just surprised to see you and to be frank I missed you."

Calum shot Jake a glare.

"Don't worry best friend, I'm no longer pursuing Ashton. I don't date my brother's ex's." Jake smirked at Calum.

"Jake." Ashton sighed.

"Look, I know I said we could be friends back then but this is just too hard for me." Ashton spoke sadly looking at Jake.

"Because I look like him?" Jake asked slightly upset.

"I just look at you and I see him and-"

"You still have feelings for him don't you?" Jake asked interrupting Ashton

"No, I don't. I'm just reminded of what he did." Ashton shook his head.

"Besides, you've probably already told Luke you've found me and I'm gonna have to deal with him." Ashton looked stressed.

"I haven't told him." Jake said quietly.

"What?" Ashton frowned.

"I knew you wouldn't want him to know and he would only end up hurt if he came after you. Besides you're with that Harry guy and I wouldn't want to cause a problem." Jake explained.

"You didn't tell Luke you ran into me?" Ashton asked in disbelief.

"No, and I don't plan to." Jake shook his head.

"But I would like to see you again. We didn't get to be proper friends and I'd like to change that. Besides we go to school together now and I don't know anyone here." Jake smiled slightly.

Ashton bit his lip.

"Ash, what would Harry think?" Calum asked knowing Ashton was considering what Jake was saying.

"He'd be fine with it, you know how Harry is." Ashton smiled at a concerned Calum.

"Okay, so long as you promise not to tell Luke." Ashton bit his lip.

"I promise." Jake agreed with a smile.

"Okay, then we should lie down some basic rules. Don't mention Luke or Jace and don't mention you and I deal?" Ashton didn't want to cause unnecessary problems with Harry.

"Sure thing." Jake agreed.

"Oh and one other thing, you can't call me gorgeous anymore."

"Aww, but that's my nickname for you." Jake pouted.

"Yeah, well Harry might not appreciate it." Ashton pointed out.

"Can I just not call you that around Harry?" Jake asked.

Ashton let out a sigh.


Jake grinned.

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