I could teach you

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Ashton walked towards the beach with his rented surfboard in hand. As he neared the water's edge he spotted one of the Hemmings twin standing in a wet suit next to a surfboard.

"You gonna surf or you just gonna stand there all day?" Ashton asked with a chuckle as he neared the twin. The blonde turned to Ashton.

"I've never done it before." The blonde stated nervously. Ashton caught a glimpse of a lip ring before the blonde turned back to look at the water. It was Luke.

"It's not hard." Ashton smiled.

Luke inspected Ashton holding his own surfboard.

"I suspect you've done this before." Luke commented.

"Yeah, I spent a summer at the beach with my grandparents one year and taught myself. Once you get the hang of it, you're gold." Ashton explained still smiling hoping to get one from Luke. He'd seen Luke laughing and joking with Michael and a few other people but he'd never once smiled at Ashton. Ashton didn't know why it bothered him so much but he really wanted to get a smile from Luke. A genuine one, not a fake half hearted one.

"You must be pretty good." Luke said obviously bored with the conversation.

"You know, I could teach you." Ashton said suddenly.

"Oh, no, that's okay." Luke shook his head.

"Oh come on, I promise to go easy on you." Ashton smiled again as Luke chewed nervously on his bottom lip.

"Here, watch me do a few runs and then you can give it a try yourself." Ashton suggested.

Luke nodded.

Ashton walked into the water setting his surfboard on top of the small wakes. He sat himself comfortably on the board and began to paddle out towards an upcoming wave. He got into position and once the wave hit he stood up and rode it out towards the shore. He took a dive to the water before resurfacing.

"See, piece of cake!" Ashton yelled so Luke could hear him. Luke again nodded as he watched intently as Ashton paddled towards the next wave. Again Ashton rode it out before falling backwards into the water.

"So, you think you can give it a try?" Ashton asked walking towards Luke he tossed his wet hair back out of his eyes.

"You make it look really easy." Luke shifted.

"Hey, nice going out there." A pretty girl winked as her and her friend walked by.

"Thanks." Ashton tossed them a large dimpled grin.

"Are you straight?" Luke asked suddenly.

"Bi." Ashton answered with a slight smirk.

"Then why aren't you interested in Jake?" Luke asked cocking his head a bit.

"I'm just not." Ashton shrugged.

"Are we gonna talk about your brother or are we gonna surf?" Ashton sighed.

"I'm sorry." Luke apologized.

"Let's see if I can pull this off." Luke bit his bottom lip again as he took a few steps into the water.

"What if I mess up? I don't even know where to begin." Luke huffed hesitating.

"I have an Idea." Ashton said taking the strap of his surfboard off and setting it down.

"Alright, come on with me." Ashton grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him into the water.

"What are you doing?" Luke asked nervously.

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