I don't want to

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Luke yanked away from Calum.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me?" Luke demanded turning to Jake.

"I'm sorry, I should have but-"

"No, I don't want apologies. I want answers." Luke growled.

"He asked me not to tell you." Jake huffed.

"You're my brother, you knew he was dating Harry and you didn't tell me."

"He's over you Luke, let it go. You got pissed when Jace did this to you so stop doing it to Ashton." Jake snapped.

"This is not the same thing. I made a simple mistake, I am trying to prove myself to him-"

"Jace made a simple mistake and was completely honest with you but that wasn't enough why should you expect any different from Ashton?" Calum cut in.

"I thought you didn't date?" Louis questioned just then.

"He doesn't." A voice said from behind them.

"He toys with people." Ashton stood with Harry next to him.

"Ash, please-"

"The worst part about it all is that you warned me. You told me you were no good for me but I didn't listen." Ashton sighed dropping his head.

"I'll see you around." Ashton said turning to plant a kiss on Harry's cheek.

"Okay." Harry nodded with a small smile.

"Let's go Cal." Ashton said grabbing Calum's Wrist.

"Ashton, please wait, can't we talk?" Luke pleaded.

Ashton stopped, turning to face Luke. His blue eyes shimmered differently than Jake's did. Ashton missed him so much. He hadn't changed much in the last year.

"I have nothing left to say to you." Ashton said turning away again.

Luke rushed after Ashton and Calum with Jake calling after him but he lost them in the crowd. He left Kellin's house in hopes that he'd run into them. He pulled out his phone to see he still had Jake's. He scrolled to Ashton's number and pressed call.

"Luke." Jake's voice spoke from behind him.

"Luke, we need to talk." Jake said in a sad tone.

"No, Ashton and I need to talk." Luke snapped.

"Luke..." Jake sighed.

"Take me to his dorm. I know you know where it is." Luke demanded.

"Luke, I can't do that." Jake shook his head.

"You knew he was here and you kept that from me. You were meeting up with him and lied about it. You knew he and Harry were together. You never told me anything. You owe me this!" Luke barked.

"Luke, Ashton wants nothing to do with you." Jake said in a calm voice.

"You're just saying that cause you want him for yourself." Luke growled.

"What?" Jake asked in confusion.

"You always wanted him for yourself. You're just pissed off cause he wanted me instead." Luke shouted.

"Luke, that's not true and you know it." Jake sighed.

"You always get the guy Jake, can't you just give me this one? You don't want me to be happy do you? You are the one who convinced me not to get back with Jace after I broke up with him." Luke snapped.

"Luke, you know that is not true. I wanted you to be happy, that's why I backed off immediately when I found out you and Ashton were together. I want nothing more than for you to be happy. Jace didn't deserve you, that's why I wouldn't let you get back with him, but you did it anyway and now look you threw away something that could have been amazing. Ashton is a great guy, you hurt him. He's been hurt too many times he didn't deserve what you did to him." Jake argued.

"You don't think I know that? I hate myself for what I did to him. I wish I could take it back." Luke's eyes filled with tears.

"If you want me to be happy so badly then please help me." Luke pleaded quietly as a tear slid down his cheek.

Jake sighed but nodded.

"Fine, I'll take you to his dorm but that's it, I'm not helping you anymore."


Ashton paced the room angrily.

"Jake didn't even tell me he was here." Ashton huffed in frustration.

"He didn't want to upset or worry you." Calum explained.

"But he could have warned me." Ashton objected.

"What good would it have done? You would only have become paranoid." Calum pointed out.

"You still love him, that much is obvious. Why don't you talk to him?"

"I don't want to love him, I don't want to talk to him." Ashton shook his head vigorously.

"Do you just not want to talk to him because you're afraid of your feelings for him?" Calum asked.

"I don't know Cal. I don't want to hear how sorry he is. I don't want to hear how much he 'loves me'. I don't want to hear him begging for another chance. I don't understand why people can't just love me the first time around and not screw things up. Everyone always wants a second chance." Ashton said sadly.

"It's only because they don't realize how amazing you are until you're gone, then they want you back to make things right." Calum said giving his friend a sympathetic look.

At that moment there was a knock at the door.

"It's probably Louis coming to kick my ass." Ashton sighed as he made his way to the door. He opened it to reveal the two twins he hated most in his life.

Ashton looked at Jake with a betrayed expression.

"I'm sorry, but he's right, you two should talk." Jake sighed looking down as if ashamed by his actions.

Ashton turned to look at Calum.

Calum made his way to the door.

"Just once." Calum nodded as he motioned for the Hemmings' twins to come in.

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