I went for a walk

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Luke bit his lip as he reached the fire pit. He knew he would be questioned about where he had been.

"Hey, there you are." Jake smiled up at his brother his arm placed comfortably around Ashton who was talking to Calum and clearly ignoring Jake.

"Hey." Luke gave a small smile.

"Where've you been?" Michael asked. This caught Ashton's attention. Ashton turned and gave Luke a curious look. He knew he probably looked haggard.

"I went for a long walk." Luke shrugged.

"Is everything okay?" Jake asked knowing his brother too well.

"Yeah, just a bit stressed I guess. Nothing to worry about." Luke forced a small smile.

"You're worried about mom aren't you?" Jake asked.

Luke frowned but then recalled his mom starting a new job and being worried about leaving her alone all summer.

"A bit." Luke lied. He had text her earlier and she had been doing fine but it gave him an excuse for being so off.

"She's fine. She told me you've text her almost every day." Jake chuckled shaking his head.

"Just making sure." Luke shrugged before making his way up the stairs.

"Wait up." Ashton called as he hurried after Luke.

"Hey, babe, you okay?" Ashton asked in a hushed tone so no one would hear.

"I'm fine." Luke smiled at Ashton's choice of words. He missed being called cute names. Though Jace had always called him baby, babe was nice.

"You sure?" Ashton asked obviously not convined.

"Yeah." Luke forced a small smile. He couldn't dare tell him he had spent the evening with his ex boyfriend.

"Okay, if you decide you need to talk or anything you know I'm all ears." Ashton smiled. Luke couldn't get over how supportive and patient Ashton was.

"Can I ask you something?" Ashton asked suddenly as Luke opened the fridge. They were the only two in the house.

"Sure." Luke nodded.

"Are we....are we...together?" Ashton asked nervously.

"Like, I know you said you don't date, but then you said screw being just freinds and I don't really know what that means for us." Ashton explained quickly.

"I'm trying." Luke answered with a sigh.

"I want to date you so I'm trying. It's hard for me but.....yes....we're.....together." Luke nodded. His own tone just as nervous as Ashton was.

Ashton's face lit up making Luke smile.

"You seem happy with that answer." Luke chuckled. He couldn't help but smile when Ashton did.

"If I could kiss you right now I would." Ashton grinned widely causing his dimples to dig deep into his cheeks.

"There's no one in here but us." Luke shrugged glancing around.

Ashton glanced around the room as well before he leaned forward and connected their lips. Luke hummed into the kiss. It felt nice. He loved the way Ashton's lips felt on his.

"I love it when you kiss me." Luke sighed in content.

"I love to kiss you." Ashton smiled.

"But we should probably get back outside."

Luke nodded before following Ashton out.


Ashton closed the bedroom door and before he could turn around he felt Luke's hands on his hips.

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