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Ashton walked down the stairs with Michael and Luke behind him. The living room was full of people. Ashton suddenly stopped short causing Michael and Luke to knock into him. Ashton whirled around and tried to slip between Michael and Luke.

"Ashton, Luke. How nice of you to join us." Jack called loudly quieting the room. Ashton turned back around slowly and avoided the two set of eyes that he felt boring into him.

Michael and Luke pushed Ashton forward making him slowly take the last few steps into the living room.

"Ashton." A redheaded girl spoke walking over to him. She gripped Ashton in a hug. Ashton tensed but made no movement.

"Hi Hayley." Ashton answered stiffly.

"How have you been?" Hayley asked flashing a smile.

"Good." Ashton said simply before stepping by her. He immediately came face to face with Jake.

"Hey, gorgeous." Jake gave a flirty smile.

"Not now." Ashton shook his head.

"Ashton, wait." Hayley grabbed his arm.

"What?" Ashton snapped causing Hayley to drop her hand.

"I just want to talk." Hayley said looking down at her feet.

"I don't have anything to say to you." Ashton stated simply before walking by her and Jake.

Ashton went into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle.

"Hey, man, you alright?" Jack asked putting a hand on Ashton's shoulder.

"Yeah, I just didn't expect to see Hayley here." Ashton shrugged.

"Is that a problem? You guys broke up like six months ago. I figured it'd be okay." Jack looked apologetic.

"No, it wouldn't be a problem but Hayley has asked me to get back together with her a few times. I refuse but she's pretty adamant." Ashton shrugged.

"Oh, man, I didn't know." Jack frowned.

"It's fine, really don't worry about it." Ashton smiled at his friend.

"Ashton, dude you okay?" Michael asked walking up to Ashton.

Jack gave Ashton a pat on the shoulder before leaving the kitchen.

"I'm fine, why?" Ashton asked taking a drink of his water.

"That hot redhead was totally into you." Michael commented.

"She's an ex girlfriend." Ashton answered.

"Really? Ex? Does she know?" Michael asked raising a brow.

"She's been wanting to get back together." Ashton sighed.

"And you don't want to why?" Michael asked.

"She was sleeping with a friend of mine." Ashton answered.

"Ooh, rough." Michael grimaced.

"That explains your reaction earlier." Michael nodded finally understanding.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Ashton mumbled.

"It's cool. But hey, Jake totally likes you. You should have seen the look on his face when you and that chick were talking." Michael winked at Ashton.

"Well you can tell him Hayley is no threat." Ashton shook his head.

"Nah, I like to watch him squirm." Michael grinned devilishly.

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