Jake always wins them over

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  Ashton walked along the beach by himself. He watched as Michael, Camila, Calum and Ashley messed about in the ocean. Calum and Michael had become pretty good friends over the past few weeks. Ashton didn't have a problem with it except Michael was Luke's best friend and Calum was Ashton's. Which meant Luke and Ashton were together a lot. It was hard for Ashton. He had really grown feelings for Luke but Luke had completely shut down around Ashton. Luke would make sure to surf at different times than Ashton. He even went to bed at different times than Ashton. The only time they even talked was when everyone was together and it was usually just a few words here or there. Jake was persistent as always. He kept trying to convince Ashton to go on one date with him. Ashton refused. The only tall blonde he was interested in was Luke.

"Ashton, wait up."

Ashton turned to see Jake running towards him. Jake didn't usually hang out on the beach that much. He preferred the pool so it was odd to see him out there.

"What are you doing on the beach?" Ashton asked trying not to stare at his broad chest.

"I heard you were down here and I wanted to see you." Jake smiled.

"Oh." Was all Ashton said before he continued walking.

Jake didn't say anything else as he continued walking with Ashton.

Ashton glanced at Jake to see he was looking at Ashton.

"What?" Ashton asked.

Jake stopped stepping in front of Ashton.

"Will you take a picture with me? Please?" Jake asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.

Ashton sighed but nodded.

Jake grinned widely as he stood next to Ashton.

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" Jake asked inspecting the picture of them.

"Thanks." Ashton said shyly. He never got used to Jake's sweet compliments. His eyes skimmed over the beautiful boy in front of him. He would never understand how someone as good looking as Jake would find him attractive. Ashton's eyes landed on the tattoo that was placed on the right side of Jake's chest.

"It's a pocket watch." Jake answered noticing Ashton inspecting his tattoo.

"Is there any significance?" Ashton asked finding himself looking closer at the details of the watch. It was simple but it was also very detailed at the same time.

"When Luke and I were born we were born two months early. Luke was bigger than I was and they were able to stabilize him okay. I was smaller and had a weaker heart. The doctors weren't sure if I would live. My parents had to leave me at the hospital longer than Luke. They took Luke home and I stayed for another week. Thankfully I pulled through but they said I could have heart problems when I got older if I didn't take care of myself. When I was sixteen I decided I wanted a tattoo. I got this pocket watch to remember not to take any second for granted." Jake explained.

"Wow, that's the coolest and saddest tattoo explanation I've ever heard." Ashton said tracing the details of the watch with his finger.

"I'm glad you like it." Jake said not moving.

Ashton realized then that he was standing incredibly close to Jake and had his hands on Jake's chest. His one finger still tracing the watch.

"I'm sorry." Ashton took a step back.

"Don't apologize." Jake shook his head taking a step forward until Ashton was close to him again.

Ashton found himself unable to back up. His eyes focused on Jake's. His blue eyes piercing into Ashton's green ones.

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