I'm sorry

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Luke took his time walking back to the beach house. He felt like shit. He knew he needed to talk to Ashton but he seriously didn't want to. Maybe he could just pretend it never happened and move on. Luke fought with the idea for some time. If he had been thinking about Ashton when he was with Jace did that mean maybe he was finally getting over Jace? The idea of never seeing Jace cut deep in Luke but so did the idea of never seeing Ashton.

"Luke!" Ashton grinned widely at the sight of his boyfriend.

"Ash, hey what are you doing out here?" Luke asked realizing Ashton was kind of far off.

"I was hoping to catch you on your way in." Ashton said placing a small kiss on Luke's cheek.

"I'm glad you did." Luke smiled as guilt flooded over him.

Luke leaned forward and placed a kiss on Ashton's lips.

"Ashton, I have something to tell you." Luke said rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"What is it?" Ashton asked obviously curious.

Luke bit down on his lip ring as he looked into Ashton's green eyes.

"I think I'm in love with you." Luke said not meaning to say those words at all.

"What?" Ashton asked looking shocked.

"I uh, I mean..." Luke shifted nervously.

"But you don't think love exists." Ashton frowned.

"I...that's complicated. I think it exists I'm just afraid of it I guess." Luke sighed.

"Luke, there you are, I was just about to call you." Jake smiled walking up behind him and Ashton.

"Hey gorgeous." Jake smiled slipping his arm around Ashton's waist.

"Could you stop doing that." Luke snapped at Jake.

"Whoa, doing what?" Jake asked putting his hands up in defense.

"Stop calling him that, he's not buying it, just give it up will you?" Luke snapped again.

"What's the big deal?" Jake frowned at his brother.

"I'll let you two talk." Ashton said walking back towards the house.

"Are you mad at me or something, you've been really snappy with me lately. Have I done something?" Jake asked.

"No, I'm just having a bad day again and you're just the person I take it out on. I'm sorry." Luke ran his hand through his hair as he walked past Jake.

"What happened today?" Jake asked.

"Got into it with dad." Luke lied.

"You need to learn to leave him alone. You two never see eye to eye." Jake sighed.

"I don't want to talk about it please." Luke huffed.

"Okay, well Michael has been worried about you so I'm gonna go find him." Jake said walking up the stairs.

Luke paced the bottom of the stairs for a moment when a voice spoke up behind him.

"So that was Ashton, huh?"

Luke whirled around to see Jace step out of the shadows. It was dark now so he hadn't realized Jace was there.

"Did you follow me?" Luke asked confused as to how Jace knew where he was.

"Yeah, I had to know who Ashton was. He had to be someone special to make you...." Jace trailed off.

"Jace, I am so sorry. I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how." Luke dropped his head.

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