That could change

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"Is that what you're wearing on the date?" Luke asked eyeing Ashton. He was in a pair of khaki shorts and a nice polo shirt. He wore flip flop and had his hair sitting in neat curls on top of his head.

"Yeah, is something wrong with it?" Ashton asked his insecurities getting the better of him.

"Not at all, I'm just a little jealous is all." Luke admitted.

"You're jealous?" Ashton asked in surprise. He never imagined the complicated blonde would be jealous over him.

"Yes. I like you and you're going on a date with my brother looking like a Hollister model." Luke pouted.

Ashton frowned slightly. Luke was acting so different since they had spoken on the pier.

"You're different now." Ashton said cocking his head at Luke.

"What do you mean I'm different now?" Luke asked unsure of what the older boy meant.

"Before you never said things like that. Now you're admitting you're jealous and complimenting me." Ashton explained.

Luke sighed and looked down at his hands.

"Seeing you kiss crushed me. I didn't realize how much I'd grown to care for you until then. You say Jake won't win you over but Jake is very...smooth when it comes to his dates. I always used to say I needed to date a guy who would treat me the way Jake treats his dates." Luke chuckled not looking up from his hands.

"If Jake was to win you over, I...." Luke trailed off not wanting to think about the idea.

"Luke, don't worry about that. Jake is not going to win me over. I swear that's my catch phrase lately." Ashton chuckled as he lifted Luke's chin.

"I want to believe you, I really do understand, don't you?" Luke asked looking into Ashton's green eyes.

"I get it, but I promise, after this, I'm all yours....if you'll have me of course." Ashton gave a sad smile knowing deep down Luke would never be his.

"We'll talk when you get home." Luke gave a half smile as he stood up.

Ashton nodded placing his lips gently on Luke's.

At that moment there was a knock on the door. Ashton sighed barely pulling back from Luke.

"That's Jake." Luke said almost sadly.

Ashton didn't respond. Instead he turned and made his way to the door. He opened it not sure what to expect.

"Hello, gorgeous." Jake said smiling.

"Hi, Jake." Ashton answered simply as he inspected Jake's similar outfit to Ashton's.

"Hi, Lucas." Jake grinned widely.

"Hi, Jacob." Luke waved forcing his own smile.

"I got this for you." Jake said pulling a single red rose from behind his back and handing it to Ashton.

"Oh, uh, thank you." Ashton was a little shocked. He hadn't expected a rose.

Jake leaned in to place a kiss on Ashton's lips but Ashton ducked out of the way.

"Hey, first rule of dating me you have to let me kiss you." Jake pouted.

"Luke, tell him, he has to let me kiss him." Jake pleaded.

Luke felt his mouth go dry. His eyes met Ashton's they both knew that in order for Jake to keep from becoming suspicious they would have to agree.

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