Do I make you uncomfortable?

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The next morning Ashton woke up with a slight headache. He rolled over to see Luke was already out of bed. He turned to his night stand where a note was. He picked it up and read.

"Here are a couple of Advil and a water. Hope you feel better.


Ashton smiled before taking the pills and the water bottle. He swallowed them down and climbed out of bed. He stepped into the hot shower letting the water wake his muscles. He suddenly recalled what happened last night with Luke. Regret filled Ashton. He kissed Luke and told him he was interested in him instead of Jake. Then Luke kissed him but they weren't allowed to talk about it. Ashton let out a loud groan before cutting off the water. He really let the alcohol do all the talking last night. How could he be so stupid? He hurriedly dressed and made his way downstairs.

"Morning Ashton." Liam smiled holding out a glass of orange juice.

"How are you this morning?"

"Tired." Ashton chuckled taking the juice.


"You drank quite a bit last night." Liam commented as he leaned against the counter.

"I know." Ashton said dropping his head.

"I apologize for being so...flirty last night." Ashton said in embarrassment. He remembered referring to Liam as cutie more than once.

"Don't worry about it, I found it flattering." Liam smiled at Ashton. Ashton smiled back.

"Morning, babe." Jake said suddenly beside Ashton. He threw an arm around Ashton's shoulder and gave Liam a slight glare.

"Hi Jake." Ashton said simply taking another sip of his drink.

"How'd you sleep?" Jake asked.

"Hard." Ashton answered.

"I'm sure, you drank a good bit." Jake smiled down at Ashton.

"I'm aware." Ashton nodded.

"Where's Luke? I wanted to thank him for the Advil this morning." Ashton asked.

"He's outside with Michael." Jake frowned. Ashton slipped from Jake's grasp and made his way to the deck.

"Look who's alive." Michael laughed with a wink.

"Morning." Ashton mumbled at the group. Ashley and Calum were also with them.

"Thanks for the Advil, Luke." Ashton said giving the blonde a small smile.

"Hope it helped." Luke stated simply. He was acting completely normal, as if last night had never happened.

"It did." Ashton nodded.

"When are you two going surfing?" Ashley asked Ashton and Luke.

"Oh umm..." Ashton glanced at Luke.

"I figured we could go around like eleven." Luke shrugged looking at Ashton.

"That sounds good to me." Ashton nodded.

"Can I come watch? I want to do a little tanning." Ashley asked.

"Sure." Ashton nodded. Luke didn't say anything.

"Cal, Michael you two want to come with?" Ashton asked.

"I promised Camila I would go shell searching." Calum shrugged.

"I'll pass. I'd rather hang out here." Michael shook his head.

"It's ten now, so I'm gonna go eat something and I'll meet you two at the board stand?" Ashton asked standing up.

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