Who's Ashton?

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Luke paced the bedroom waiting for Ashton. Ashton had sent him a text asking if they could talk. Luke was anxious about what Ashton had to say. He guessed it had something to do with Luke being gone every day.

"Hey Luke." Ashton smiled as he stepped into the room closing the door behind him.

"Hey." Luke smiled at the gorgeous boy.

"You wanted to talk?" Luke asked frowning slightly.

"I kind of want to talk about us." Ashton said looking uncertain all of a sudden.

"O-okay?" Luke urged Ashton to continue.

"I-" Ashton sighed walking towards Luke.

"I really like you, Luke, and it's hard for me to pretend like I don't. I just want to know if you're ever going to tell Jake about us? Because if not...." Ashton trailed off.

"Oh, god, you're breaking up with me." Luke sat on the bed feeling sick. He didn't want to lose Ashton.

"No, I'm not. I just want to be sure we're not wasting each other's time. I don't want to fall for you if you're just going to drop me." Ashton explained.

"I'm not going to drop you, Ashton. I like you a lot. More than I wanted to honestly. I'm being cautious right now is all." Luke sighed. He needed to tell Ashton about Jace but he couldn't bring himself to. It was just an innocent kiss anyway it's not like he was dating Jace again.

"Okay." Ashton nodded seeming content with that answer.

"Look, it's eleven o' clock. Let's head to bed now and spend some time together." Luke suggested.

"I'd like that." Ashton smiled showing off his dimples.

The two stripped to their boxers and climbed into bed. Ashton scooted in close to Luke laying his head on his chest.

"I had a lot of fun surfing today." Ashton spoke up.

"I always have fun surfing." Luke smiled even though Ashton couldn't see.

"You in a wet suit is always a pleasant sight." Luke laughed.

Ashton joined in.

"You're pretty hot in on as well."

"I'm so glad you made me learn." Luke said thoughtfully.

"I'd take any excuse to touch you." Ashton chuckled.

"Was that really the reason?" Luke asked with a slight frown.

"Not really. The main reason was because I was convinced you hated me and I was determined to get a genuine smile from you. It took a while but I'll be damned if it wasn't worth it." Ashton answered honestly.

"Wait, you taught me to surf because you wanted to make me smile?" Luke asked pulling back so he could look at Ashton's face.

"Stupid I know but Michael and Jake and even Calum made you laugh and smile and I was jealous. All I ever got was a forced smile or nothing at all." Ashton sighed at the memory.

"How are you so perfect?" Luke asked frowning at the brunette.

"I'm not?" Ashton frowned back.

"You are though. I can't pick out a single flaw in your personality." Luke disagreed.

"I'm sure you could." Ashton shook his head.

"Actually you're right. There's one." Luke said changing his mind earning a frown from the older boy.

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