You're lying

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Jake panicked as he realized his phone was with Luke. He spotted Luke's phone and immediately grabbed it. He typed in Ashton's number praying he was remembering it right.

It rang through to voicemail. Jake swore as he hurried out of his room calling Calum.

"Calum, thank goodness you answered. I need you to go to Kellin's immediately. I think Luke is going after Ashton."

"It's complicated but he found out and he thinks I'm dating him."

"I know just meet me there please."

Jake hung up the phone and tried dialing his own number.


Luke looked down at his brothers phone to see his name flashing across the screen. The anger he felt tripled as he realized just how much Jake had lied to him. He rejected the call and turned to find Ashton. He wasn't letting him go so easily not again.


"Are you okay?" Harry asked sitting next to Ashton on the bed.

"No, I can't believe he's here. It's been a year. I never thought I'd see him again. I never wanted to see him again." Ashton's chest felt tight.

"Ashton, if you still have feelings for him then-"

"No." Ashton interrupted harshly.

"I care about you Harry, a lot. I don't want to be with Luke. He ruined that a long time ago." Ashton shook his head.

"Ashton, look..." Harry sighed.

"You're breaking up with me aren't you?" Ashton asked a new pain in his voice.

"No, no I'm not it's just... I feel like you may still have feelings for Luke. You two clearly have a complicated past but-"

"Harry, I know I should have told you but I don't like to talk about it and I didn't want you thinking I still had feelings for him. Everyone thinks I do but I don't." Ashton interrupted.

"If everyone thinks you do have you considered that it's true and you just don't want to admit it to yourself?" Harry asked.

"What? No, I'm not even humoring that idea." Ashton shook his head harshly. He knew he did still love Luke but he would never admit it to Harry or Luke.

"It's okay Ashton, I'll understand." Harry said putting a hand on Ashton's.

Ashton felt anger build inside him. Why was Harry so calm about this? Didn't he care about Ashton at all?

"Why are you being this way?" Ashton snapped yanking away from Harry's touch. He stood looking down at Harry.

"Being what way?" Harry frowned.

"Being so...calm." Ashton waved a hand at Harry's calm demeanor.

"You should be pissed at me for not telling you and pissed at Luke for kissing me." Ashton said pacing in front of Harry.

"I'm hurt you didn't tell me but I'm being understanding. Luke didn't know we were together I can't be too mad at him." Harry shrugged.

Ashton frowned at Harry but before he could say anything the door opened revealing Luke.


Jake saw Calum walking towards Kellin's front door.

"Calum!" Jake called causing the raven haired boy to turn around.

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