So the boyfriend isn't here?

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"Hey gorgeous."

Ashton turned to see Jake smiling.

"Hi, Jake." Ashton said shaking his head slightly.

"Is Calum coming with us?" Jake asked looking around for the raven haired guy.

"No, he has plans tonight." Ashton shook his head.

"What about Harry?" Jake asked.

"He's got study group." Ashton answered.

"So just you and I then?" Jake asked as he and Ashton walked towards the campus entrance.

"Yep." Ashton nodded.

"Man, it took me a year to get you alone." Jake winked at Ashton.

"I went on a date with you." Ashton objected.

"You were dating my brother at the time, that hardly counts." Jake rolled his eyes.

"We weren't dating yet." Ashton mumbled.

"You were later that evening so close enough." Jake said nudging Ashton.

"I am sorry about that." Ashton said realizing it must have upset Jake to find out the guy he was interested in was dating his brother.

"Don't worry about it. I'd much rather have you as a friend. Though I am slightly jealous that Luke got to find out what you're like in bed and I didn't." Jake winked.

" Jake winked

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"Jake." Ashton groaned.

"What, I'm just being honest." Jake chuckled.

"Well don't." Ashton said shaking his head.

"Speaking of sleeping with people, how is Harry?" Jake asked changing the subject.

"He's good." Ashton answered.

"What's wrong?" Jake asked sensing something was up.

"Nothing, why?" Ashton asked frowning.

"Are you happy with Harry?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, of course." Ashton nodded.

"Ashton." Jake said in a tone that said he didn't believe him.

"It's stupid." Ashton shook his head as he and Jake took a seat at a table at the outdoor diner that sat next to the school campus.

"If it's bothering you, it's not stupid." Jake disagreed.

"I just feel like...he's too good to be true, you know? I've always had pretty shit relationships and so far this one is going perfectly. He's sweet, considerate, understanding. He wasn't upset that you and I were going to dinner alone. He got me a birthday present even though we agreed no presents. He trusts me and never questions anything I do. He doesn't check up on me constantly and he's totally understanding when I call him just to talk. He's never done anything that has made me think he's not loyal. He's never lied to me. It's just...weird." Ashton sighed.

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