I ran into Jake today

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"Happy Birthday to you!"

Ashton blew out the candles on his cake as his friends finished singing to him.

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"I'll be right back." Harry placed a kiss on Ashton's cheek before opening the door to his dorm room.

"Luke, hey, what's up?" Harry smiled at the boy from his English class.

"Hey, I just wanted to drop this off, I must have accidentally grabbed your book as well as mine today." Luke said holding out a large English textbook.

"Oh, thanks, I didn't even notice." Harry smiled taking the book.

Luke bit his lip ring. His smile reminded him of Ashton so much.

"Happy birthday man, let's do a shot together!" A voice yelled loudly from behind Harry.

"Oh, am I interrupting?" Luke asked suddenly concerned.

"Not at all, it's my boyfriends birthday so we're having a little party, you want to come in?" Harry asked.

"Oh, no, I can't stay, I just wanted to drop that off, thank you though." Luke smiled as he backed up a bit.

"You sure? I know he won't mind." Harry offered again.

"I have to meet my brother, I'll see you in class on Thursday." Luke waved as he walked off.

"Hey, babe, who was it?" Ashton asked setting his shot glass down.

"A guy from my English class, accidentally grabbed my book." Harry said holding up his textbook.

"You didn't invite him in?" Ashton asked frowning.

"I did, but he said he couldn't stay." Harry shrugged.

"Oh, okay." Ashton nodded understandingly.


Luke walked into the cafe and scanned the room before landing on the familiar boy.

"Hey, sorry, I got caught up." Luke apologized as he sat down across from his brother.

"No big deal, you're only three minutes late." Jake joked.

"Yeah, yeah." Luke rolled his eyes.

"So how was your first day at the new college?" Jake smirked leaning back.

"It was okay. Why are you looking at me like that?" Luke asked frowning.

"Who was that cute guy I saw you talking to earlier today. Curly brown hair?" Jake had been trying to get his brother to date someone since he and Ashton broke up but Luke wouldn't do it.

"Oh a guy from my English class." Luke shrugged simply,

"Uh huh?" Jake pressed.

"Is he what caught you up on your way here?" Jake asked raising a brow.

"I accidentally grabbed his English book." Luke sighed knowing where Jake was going with this conversation.

"So what's his name?" Jake asked smirking.

"Harry Styles but-"

"What did you say?" Jake asked cutting Luke off.

"His name is Harry Styles." Luke repeated in confusion.

Jake felt panic course through him but he fought to keep his composure.

"Oh." Was all Jake said.

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